Nice how many cardinals are in there?
Looks really nice. Is that a tiger lotus? Are you dosing iron?
Nice tank sir.
are you using rex griggs ferts by chance? I have a hair algae/bba issue in m 210 discus tank that I cant get rid of, i do PWC's of 40g every other day and use's liquid ferts and root tabs, I do have csm+b but the bba is due to iron richness in the water and unsure how to get around the iron part of ferting with csm+b
Are you using a dry iron supplement like (EDTA as chelator) or a liquid chemical like Seachem flourish Iron? I'm currently using the Seachem but would like to switch to a dry form as it is cheaper. I just haven't found a substitute for the flourish iron yet.
I was also wondering why your Tiger lotus leafs are pink in color verus being red.
Thanks for responding,that is quite helpful.
From my understanding, DPTA is a stronger chelator compared to EDTA as it stays in its ferrous state longer (usable form). I have only used Seachem flourish iron (EDTA) but also dose on a daily basis.
When you mix up your stock solutions for iron, do you refrigerate after to prevent mold?
Any discus mating behavior on that echinodorus ozelot?