My strange filter idea...

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 28, 2003
Maryville, TN
Ok, I'm not trying to build a filter, simply elevate the one I have...Does that make sense? I want the filter higher than it is so the water coming from it hits the aquarium water with more force than it already is...I don't have any ideas for doing this. Helllup??? TIA
Sounds like you want to setup a 'surge device'. The principle behind a surge device is that water rushes into the tank at intervals pushing a wave across the tank.

How to setup one of these?

Well I have not done one personally but i have seen a few in action.

One way to do is is to construct a box of acyrlic. Drill a hole in the side asy 1/3ed down from the top and put a bulkhead in. Then plumb the box so that there is a 90 on either side of the bulkhead. the pvc inside the box should be cut at a 45 degree angle at the bottom and should be a few inches off the bottom of the box. You should use rather large diamater plumbing 1.5" or larger if possible. Plumb the outside part down to your tank.

Have a pump constatly filling the surge box. When the water level gets up to the top of the bulkhead the syphon should start naturally and water will drain from your surge box to your tank until the box is empty of water. When air gets into the plumbing (this is why you cut the pvc at an angle) the syphon will stop. The pump is always filling this box so as soon as the syphon stops the surge box begings to fill with water again.

This design requires no moving parts other than the pump.
Punkymom said:
Ok, I'm not trying to build a filter, simply elevate the one I have...Does that make sense? I want the filter higher than it is so the water coming from it hits the aquarium water with more force than it already is...I don't have any ideas for doing this. Helllup??? TIA

Sounds easy enough?

I assume you have a hang-on-back HOB filter right? The kind that have a lip that slips over the edge of the tank, and then the back of the filter rests on the glass wall?

depending on the 'length' of the lip you might be able to shim the filter up an extra 1/8th to 1/4 inch using a pen or pencil, just lift the filter a little and slide something between it and tank wall.

if that doesn't work, and you have room behind your aquarium, find something to sit the filter on, so it's raised up above the tank ... this is risky though, because it could get nocked over easily.
Another option for raising the HOT aboe the lip would be to find a heavy duty piece of plastic/acrylic about 1/4" thick, and as wide as the filter is and tall enough to go from the stand to however high you want it. Simply attach that sheet to the back of the tank either with glue or clamps (nothing that will rust) and hang the filter on that.

here's a pic since I don't think I described it well.
green = tank
purple = filter
blue = plastic riser
red = silicone caulk
brown = stand
No offense but whast the purpose of doing this? Is it to add more oxygen to the tank? or do you like the sound of a waterfall? If its more oxygen you need just install a bubble tube or a few air stones and a good pump, Otherwisse i would think a raised drop for the water would cause alot more splashing and probaly soak your hood setup resulting in unsightly algea or something.....
well i don't know punky's reasons are, but a surge device has a few benefits mostly related to reef tanks though.

1) the resulting surge stirs up the water, and increases oxygen exchange. however for it be a effective it needs to happen several times an hour, and a wavemaker would be better suited.

2) the surge provides a more realistic environment for corals, some corals spawn depending on the tides they receive. this one way to stimulate them.

3) similar to number 2, but not for spawning reasons.. some anemones need access to tides for them to really flourish, not a constant beating by a powerhead but something that pushes their tentacles around every so often. a surge device is usually inserted as a cheaper alternative to a wavemaker though. i forgot the url but somebody built a surge device out of a toilet repair kit and a pump. he had a vid of it posted on a site, which showed it in action. it was loud and really stirred up his anemones.
not really, if you take enough to plan it out, and design it. the idea would be to pump x amount of gallons from the tank, and replace x - y gallons of water; where y would be a smaller amount of x, that would be left in the 'storage tank' to prevent spilling.
Another thought, by moving an HOB higher above the waterline, you are going to have less intake. It's like if you leave an HOB running during a PWC, it will eventually lose suction. My Emperors don't like having the water lowered too much, at a 2 inch drop in water level they become noisy, then eventually lose suction.
more head preasure on the pump (the HOB) it might not work.. as wolf was saying I think..

Serge devises.. I have seen it.. I like it... I might use it some day.. :D
I would just buy a Maxijet or an oscillating power head. I doubt that raising a small filter would achieve much of anything. Increasing the flow however would. Surge devices are however are the most practical way of creating a "surge" without increasing the flow. There are many ways to create wave motions, surges etc...
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