My Tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 12, 2008
Plymouth , UK
Ok I dont have a clue what size my tank is as i got it from a friend but here are some pics of it how it stands at the moment i have about 25-30 fish at the min consisting of plecos-4 two diff varieties, neons about 10 ,peacock tail guppy 3, black clowns 2(sorry i dont know all the proper names yet )some black widow guppies 5, 5 with mickey mouse print on their tails and a few others im not sure on the name at all sorry im a bit useless lol.I feed them on bloodworm they go mad for it and its fun watching them eat. As my tank is two sections i have two pumps one on each side but the one heater is enough to heat both sides as i have my thermometer in the opposite tank. so less of my babbling and here are the pics...


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It looks like two 5galls combined...
I see no guppies, but I do see platies, as well as some black skirt tetra
I hate to say it but I really think your tank is over stocked :(
I agree with Blazey, if those are two 5 gal tanks you're definitely a bit over stocked. Maybe you should consider getting a bigger tank.
:(oh no well at the moment the fish seem to be swimming around happily and we aren't getting any more fish but we are looking into gettin another tank soon as well as the one we have we are waiting to see how it goes with this one first. with it being in two sections they do tend to spread out rather equally but like i said we are waiting to see how this one goes then get another and i will then transfer the bigger ones (goldfish sized ones ) from the tank i have now thanks for the comments :D and unfortunately i couldnt get very good pics of the fish as they kept swimmin when i went to take the pic lol guess they are camera shy
Welcome to AA!

If you don't own one already, you should pick up a test kit for your tank (get a liquid test kit, not one that uses strips). Test your water parameters every few days. Ammonia and nitrites are very toxic to your fish; nitrates are less toxic but still should not build up too much.

I would make sure you're replacing 20 - 40% of the tank's water every couple days. This will minimize the amount of waste that your fish will be having to swim in. Whenever you do a partial water change (a PWC), siphon the old water out and replace it with dechlorinated water (you can buy product that will remove chlorine (also toxic to your fish) from the water).

Since your tank has too many fish in it, they will be producing a lot of waste that they'll be swimming around in and will have weaker immune systems as a result from the stress. To keep them healthy, make sure they're in clean water! Once you get your bigger tank, caring for them will be quite a bit easier.

Be sure to ask questions as the folks here at AA are all very knowledgeable people on this hobby. Good luck to you and your fish!
I really like the structure of that tank. I bet it's hard to clean sometimes though. I have learned with my 30" tall tank that I have to think about how I plan to get my hand into it before I buy next time.
I did a water test last night with the test strips that test ph nitrate nitrite etc and all was the same level as it was when i started nothing has risen and seems stable i will be testin at least once a week though and keeping an eye on the levels I use aquasafe to dechlorinate the water .Thanks :)
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Can you post the actual numbers? The people here may be able to shed some light on the conditions of your tank with that knowledge.
ok i will try here goes

pH 7.0
GH 0
KH <40
nitrite between 0 and 0.5
nitrate <20

think thats right
Those numbers look good to me, as long as they are not fluctuating. Weekly PWCs and water tests should keep everything running smoothly.
Those numbers don't seem bad, but ammonia is definitely an important (if not the most important) thing to keep track of. Does your kit test for ammonia (NH3) also?
Thanks i am doing weekly checks just to keep my eye on it i will need to get an ammonia test kit as mine doesnt check for it thanks for the feedback :D I will post the numbers from the test if i am unsure whether it is ok cheers again
Ideally you want your ammonia and nitrite to be less than 0.5 - if the levels climb higher than that, go ahead and do a PWC to reduce the levels.
I was advised by my LFS to do a 50% WC after two weeks of having my tank is that about right or should i do 25% so as not to disturb the fish and levels too much ??
no figiwigi as i said in previous post i shall be gettin one this weekend as that is the only thing the strips i have dont test unfortunately
If you want to determine the actual size of your aquarium, it shouldn't be too hard. Measure the height and the length of one of the sides. Then use one of the online calculators (here's one I found with a quick search) to determine the size of one hex. Multiply by two and add a little for the two bridges.
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