My ten gallon low light

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 25, 2006
Queens, NY
I'll just make this my official thread for updates. On Sunday, I bought Baby Tears and a sweet piece of driftwood. The Tears didn't come out as I'd hoped; a ton that I planted wound up floating to the surface by the morning...also, I understand I didn't plant them the correct way, most likely. I think they are supposed to be deeper. I planned on having tons more "plantlets" as Neilan put it, but I gave up :p. So far, I am pleased with the way my tank looks. It is a very slow process, but things are turning out nicely.

My Cryptocoryne lucens melted pretty heavily during the first week or two of having it, but new leaves are growing in nicely. Diatoms/hair algae (?), have been present in my tank, but I am leaving it alone for now as diatoms and I have fought massive battles in the past. You may be able to see the hair algae (?) in the photos. My Java Fern was pretty droopy for a week, and seems to be recovering by day the leaves look stronger. Also, two new leaves are coming in from the bottom, which is great to see. I have a clumpy brown algae that sits on my plants, which you may be able to see in the pics. Just changed out the light for a 6700K bulb, so the tank is a bit more yellow in person than in these pics. I had a nice school of six Cardinal Tetras, but two got sucked into the filter. Haven't gotten around to purchasing more yet.

As far as aquascaping, I didn't put too much thought into it, because these plants are just going to grow slowly anyway. I originally thought of placing the Java Fern in the back of the driftwood, but the wood provided a nice little nook for it and I liked how it looked up front. Let me know what you think.






Looks good. You might have to upgrade your light a bit to keep the baby tears going. Some vals would look awesome in the background.
Thanks guys.

Yeah, I actually had a thread asking about the lighting for them; it was sort of an impulse purchase, since the owner told me he does ok with low light, but I read online that they need medium-high. Worth a shot though...they were cheap so I don't mind much if they die. I'm interested to see how they turn out.

I'll take a look at the vals next time I'm in the store.
Lookin good. I think they may survive. They may not grow much, and they will grow vertical rather than horizontal.
I am taking BigJim's advice and going to pick up a Val or two today. They are awesome looking!
No Vals so I bought another Crypt and planted it right next to the other one to fill some space. I bought a school of 5 Cherry Barbs. It was a hard thing to do, since before purchasing I read/heard so much varying info on whether or not they could be placed in a 10 gallon or not. I went ahead and bought them. We'll see how they fare...some places said they are aggressive no matter what, some say they are peaceful, some say they need 10, 20, or 30 gallon minimum, store owner told me 10 is fine. One of the things I dislike about this hobby in a way.
I'd agree that a 10g is fine for cherry barbs. I have five cherry barbs and five 5-banded barbs in a 29g with bettas and I haven't seen any of them nip any fins.
These fish are awesome to look at. Unfortunately, one of them has been apart from the school and hiding in the shadow of the driftwood. Hope it'll be alright, because they certainly added much needed activity to my tank. They look great with the Cardinals.
Okay, here's another photo update. I also have a video...all of the small particles floating are because I did a water change today and planted that new crypt. Also, don't be fooled by the background, my brother and I didn't spraypaint it enough so there are little speckles everywhere. The new crypt looks awesome but it's just gonna melt anyway!



New plant


Algae on Java Fern. It's rather contained so I'm not too worried about it just yet.

So, all that algae is wiped clean. I'll snap a pic tomorrow when I'm back at my apartment. I kind of liked it better with algae, actually. My wood had a nice green fur on it and now it's gone!
I guess I am used to my cichlid tank when I had it. The algae gave the rocks a more natural look. I am happy that it's gone, but like I said, I miss it on the wood...made it look more natural. I am very impressed with the job of the barbs, though. Pretty incredible!

Can't tell me this didn't look awesome:


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