Mystery babies

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 17, 2011
My tank appears to have spontaneously produced what looks to me like guppy fry. The mystery? I only have a single female guppy. My tank consists of:

1 - female guppy
1 - silver molly (unknown sex)
2 - black mollies (unknown sex)
2 - mickey mouse platies (unknown sex)
2 - catfish
4 - Neon tetras (unknown sex)
1 - groumie (unknown sex)

Is it plausible that the guppy has managed to reproduce with another one of the species in my tank? The fry are very small and I do not have a good camera at the moment to take a picture. They do not have the "V" shaped tail of the tetra, but do have the same tail as my female guppy. They are also nearly the same color as the guppy but are still see-through.
Nearly 6 months. I did have male guppies in the tank with her at one time but they all died off through the tank cycle. She was the only one of her species that survived.
It is possible for your guppy to have crossbreed but I think the more plausible. It's possible that she stored the sperm from the last male and then got pregnant and had her babies.
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