Mystery Snail Floating?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 1, 2011
I bought a mystery snail from Petsmart a few days ago and he's been doing well and active. Today he was active and then a few minutes ago I noticed him floating at the top of the tank. He's not "hanging out" or anything and I felt him and he still feels firm but even if I put him at the bottom of the tank he float right back to the top. Could he have died, gotten air in his shell or what is going on? This is odd. I've never owned mystery snails before so I have no clue on this.
My apple snails float at the top too its nothing to worry about, they can sometimes get air bubbles trapped in their shells if you turn them over in the tank the air sometimes comes out. Mine can float for a while then they grab onto the glass so don't worry, if it had died it would let of a foul smell & the door of its shell would be open. Hope this helps
I tried to move it and see if I could get any air out of him but no luck. He came out of his shell a tiny bit and air bubbles did come out but not all the way and he's still floating. His siphon came out for a few minutes so he's still alive thankfully!

I've never owned snails before and to see a snail that's so active and climbing around the whole tank to just floating around the tank like it's dead freaked me out lol. I was worried that my poor snail had died. I did smell him and didn't smell anything and when it looked like he was out of his shell a little bit (floating still) I picked him up and touched him and he slowly pulled himself back in and still feels thankfully he's not dead. I never knew snails did such a thing. No way to get the air out I guess? I feel sorry for the poor thing floating around like that. :(

Thanks for all the help!
My new golden apple snail does exactly the same, they can be like that for a while, the air will come out itself, don't worry it it bothers you get a plate put a bit of its tank water on it enough to cover his foot & let him come out of his shell that can release the air I,ve done that with my snails then just pop him back in his tank. Take care
Great, I may try that later if he doesn't get the air out himself in a few hours. Thanks for the great information! I'm glad my snail is okay, alive, and that this is a normal thing they do.
i like to call it "snail farts" haha.

they sometimes get gassy and float around, and it almost seems like they can control it at times. if you dont like it, turn your snail around till it farts out the gas:p
I have black mystery snails too! Aren't they wonderful? Most people think snails are ugly but I think they're gorgeous creatures. Sorry this has nothing to do with the problem just saying
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