Mystery snail, is this ok?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 7, 2011
I bought a mystery snail, brought him home, and put him in the tank, he didn't do anything for two days, then today he started moving around, climbed to the top of the tank to get some air and now I noticed that he is just floating around in the tank, the fish are kind of pecking at him, of course he is all closed up.

Is this normal? Why is he floating? Is he dying? Should I stop him from floating around, he just gets caught up in the filter flow and gets bounced around..
Mixer said:
I bought a mystery snail, brought him home, and put him in the tank, he didn't do anything for two days, then today he started moving around, climbed to the top of the tank to get some air and now I noticed that he is just floating around in the tank, the fish are kind of pecking at him, of course he is all closed up.

Is this normal? Why is he floating? Is he dying? Should I stop him from floating around, he just gets caught up in the filter flow and gets bounced around..

When my apple snail died it floated too. I waited a day to see if it went back to its normal activity, it didn't so I removed it. Dead/decaying anything will cause an ammo spike IME.

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Yeah I kinda thought floating was bad, but I guess I will wait and see.
Mixer said:
Yeah I kinda thought floating was bad, but I guess I will wait and see.

Maybe take some tank water in a clean container and put the snail in there and see what happens. That way if it is dead, it won't foul your tank.

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You can also pick him up and smell him. Dead snails will most definitely smell rotten.
Vircomore said:
You can also pick him up and smell him. Dead snails will most definitely smell rotten.

Well if he is dead he just died in the last couple of hours, doesn't really have any smell though.

@MrLimpet: great idea, i have removed him from the tank and placed him in a plastic container with some newly changed tank water just enough that if he sinks he will be fully submerged, yet low enough if he puts a tube out to breathe he can pierce the surface.
Sorry forgot the picture.


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I've been told that if your snail(s) are being driven to the surface for air, that it usually indicates a problem with your water (possibly oxygen levels). Could just be it was a sick snail though.

Have you treated your tank with any copper based meds in the recent past? If you have a buildup of it, that'll do a snail in right quick too.
Mixer said:
Well if he is dead he just died in the last couple of hours, doesn't really have any smell though.

@MrLimpet: great idea, i have removed him from the tank and placed him in a plastic container with some newly changed tank water just enough that if he sinks he will be fully submerged, yet low enough if he puts a tube out to breathe he can pierce the surface.

Glad to help :). He looks pretty big in there. They do have a limited life span IME. Any change as of now?

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Haven't ever treated with meds, don't think i have copper issues. Could be just an old snail.

I don't think he is going to make it, he isn't doing anything different.

My water was a bit off, so could just be the water and the stress of the move, my gourami seem to be doing well, the were part of the same purchase. I did a 50% PWC and will check the levels tomorrow again, I think it is having a mini cycle.
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