Mystery snail won't eat?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 17, 2012
I have a new golden mystery snail I got a few weeks ago. It has been very active. I have tried feeding algae wafers but my guppies or shrimp are all over it. I have dropped them in with the lights on/off and broken bits and scattered in the tank. I'm sort of over my greedy fish so I have tried veggies. Spinach, lettuce, zucchini and cucumber. I have a veggie clip and nothing! I have fed at night and also now tried during the day....and no interest. Is he just full from the algae in my tank? Just don't to starve the little bugger!

I am also combatting algae bloom from leaving the lights on too long, so there is some extra algae around! That's another story though.....

14 gallon
6 male guppies
3 ghost shrimp
1 frustrating golden mystery snail
Try a frozen green bean just blanch it the drop it in i have a black mystery snail he wont touch algae but seem to eat left over food but he is always all over the green bean to make it easier i put peas in for my fish they love that lol i do this bout once a week with the veggies
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