Mystery snails never grow up...?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 18, 2003
How come my snails never grow up, A while back my golden snail laid some eggs they hatched and we started to ave some nice lookng ones, but since then they don't seem to ever grow to the size of my original snail, or even close to it.
A good while now, couple of months at least. They seem to grow form TINY, to "hey they are getting bigger" then they just stop.
IME, snails take a long time to grow! Is there plenty for it to eat? Are you positive that it is getting enough? If not, you might want to get some algae wafers or bottom feeder food. Snails also love lettuce and cucumbers, and they will definitley eat at it! That's probably my guess on why they aren't growing very quickly. HTH
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