mystery snails ok in cold water tanks?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 27, 2013
I brought 3 very small mystery snails for my tropical tank several months ago. They grew a lot faster then I expected and are now about golf ball size and are now too large to all stay in there. Is it ok to transfer one to my cold water goldfish tank that sits at around 20 degrees or am I better off taking one back to the pet shop?
By twenty degrees I assuming you mean in Celsius...and I think they would be fine in that temperature
Yes 20 degrees celsius sorry. Should I take it out of the tropical tank and let its water cool down gradually before adding to cold water tank? I thought maybe taking from one and putting straight into the other might not be good for it
Yes slowly acclimate it to the colder water
They can survive in ponds over the winter in some places.. 20C is not a problem, just don't drop them in water ten degrees colder than what they are used to, any more than you would with fish.
I have them in one of my 'coldwater' tanks but it runs a bit warmer than yours (72-74). The only issue is making sure they have enough to eat as goldfish are pigs. Mystery snails sold in most stores are apple snails and can not survive temperatures below @60f as they are tropical creatures. 65f is really the low limit for these guys so you may want to consider bumping up the temp a few degrees.
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