n00b from the Australian Capital Territory

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 17, 2015
Hi all! I'm Neej, and I'm from Canberra. I've had fushies on and off throughout my life, but only ever 'starter' littlies in tiny tanks (5Gish) like a beta and a few neon tetra cuties, and some guppies at one point. I've just moved and finally got the opportunity to go slightly bigger, though still not BIG, with a 120L/30G tank. It's currently empty, but I'll be planting it up and beginning to cycle it this week, and figured I should come along here and make sure I'm not going to torture any fish my making newbie decisions and mistakes when it comes time to stock! I basically know nothing beyond what Dr Google tells me. Hopefully I'll have a good chat with you all in the future!
Hi welcome in :)

It's chilly here in Perth and the folks report snow in QLD so guessing Canberra is on the cold side at the moment?
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