Nano planted bowl

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Thanks, all. Any ideas about the ailing A. nana?

czcz - I would be thrilled with emersed growth and am hoping that with the open top maybe a few of the plants will achieve this.
Here is an updated pic, with the Hygrophilum corymbosa added, the java moss grown up and covering the heater cord, and the lily filling in the back (that will not last a whole lot longer in there). The glosso and clover are spreading around the bottom, and we get pearling every afternoon. The mystery plant is Hemianthus micranthemoides, or baby tears. That is probably the happiest plant in this bowl and pearls the most.

I got a Poecilia reticulata, delta-tail guppy, and you can sortof see him in the pic. He is happy as a clam and eats like a pig.

Gorgeous little tank Tankgirl! Might try that out as well, since I have a bowl standing on a shelf in the basement.... :)
Thomas - nice to "see" you, lol!

Everyone should try this - it does not have to be fancy at all. :D
I think white clouds would do fine, as at least mine do not seem to require a lot of room, say like zebra danios seem to. I used to keep 3 in a 3gal with a betta and they actually spawned in there, so I don't see why not. White clouds would be an excellent choice for the no-tech bowl that has no heater and maybe just gets sunlight from a window. You could put one of those pretty much anywhere you would have a house plant. Bettas are tempting but I prefer to keep them in a heated tank.
Any more updates on your nano bowl? :D
I'm still interested in doing this....after my exams in januari, when studying is done and I have some more time.....I'm going to set up something very similar in my room in Brussels. I'm thinking of buying a 7.5W heater for it as well, or do your plants do ok at room temperature? (I would like to keep some caridina japonica shrimp in profile says they can take 59-80°F, so they don't really need heating)
Well, the tank looks pretty much the same, though the glosso and clover have filled in some and the dwarf sag has spread a little. The baby tears is the plant that I really have to keep on top of and prune back - the lateral growth puts down roots and wants to become a substrate plant, lol. The other plants are growing, though slowly.

I am sortof glad the plants are not growing at an intense rate, since it is so easy for them to overtake the bowl.

I could probably have done this bowl without a heater, but since it is under the substrate and would be a pain to remove I might as well use it. I think your shrimp would be fine with ambient room temp that is comfortable for you.
Tankgirl - This is such a gourgeous little tank. I'd love to see some updated pics when you have the chance. I found that my tanks changed a lot more than I realized, when I put a couple of pics side by side. I'm just so curious to see the the amount that the Elatine triandre and Glosso have spread. Again, wonderful tank!
I've got a bunch of holiday pics on my memory card so when I get those uploaded I'll take some pics. I never did put any ET in this tank so far, though I had intended to, and will do so at some point. There is some Marsilea crenata with the glosso, and they look almost identical in there.
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