nearly headless snail?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 23, 2006
Toledo, Ohio
i indirectly mentioned in a post or two, my mistake with my rams horn,

i had taken off the cover thing on the filter intake, that prevents small fish from being sucked into the filter, because both my clawed frog and snail were too big to get sucked up, well actually the snail shell was too big to get sucked up, the snail somehow got almost stretched out of his shell, i believed him to be dead until yesterday before i was about to bring him back, when i noticed his antenna move, his head kinda got sliced half way through (this is a terrible reference, but like nearly headless nick in the first harry potter book)

i have him in a 1g tank with an algae wafer to his mouth, will he heal or should i consider euthanasia, his is kinda beat up and never really comes out of his shell to far
aren't snails considered mollusks since they have no bones or whatever? IF they are he might live, I kow slugs can grow new bodys parts rather quickly, he may be molting though, If they loose eyes, anntennas, etc. they can grow them back
If the snail lives it will grow back missing body parts. I am not sure if it can regenerate the whole head, but I'd give it a chance to heal.

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