need advice on plant supplements

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 25, 2003
im getting ready to order some plant supplements for my planted aquarium---im ordering root tabs, has anyone ever used flora pride?or the botanica grow? any help is appreiciated i have been using biospheres plant nutrient but cant find it around---thanks. i want something that will cover pretty much everything plants need combined with the root tabs--thanks
In the past when using commercial products I have always used the Seachem line. They have everything you could need or want, the only gripe I have is their potassium supplement is very weak. Give me more details about your tank and I will be better able to help you.
10 gallon- flourite- baby tears, hairgrass,brown wendii crypts,and a few other plants but i dont know what they are--im a newbie- they are all doing good, i was using biospheres plant nutrient but cant find it. fish--guppy babys- i have a 30 gallon to but am waiting on plants for it. does this help?? i hope so, oh and i do use flourish excel.
Hi spellweaver9,

I use KENT "Freshwater Plant" with KENT "Pro*Plant" with my regular water changes.

Instead of the expensive aquarium root tabs, I use regular JOBE'S Plant food spikes "For Lush Ferns & Palms 16-2-6"

NOTE: If any of you reading this, decide to try the JOBE'S spikes...
Make sure you get the "For Lush Ferns & Palms 16-2-6"
In the 16-2-6, the 2 is the percentage of Phosphoric Acid.
The regular spikes have much more phosphates and will cause an algae bloom.

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