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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 28, 2004
Beside keeper in the tank
I have 2 ten gallons and recently lost a Hillstream loach in one of them. Was told they are hard to keep, I found out the hard way. :cry: Anyways, in that tank I also have a baby Albino bushy nose pleco and a baby Gold Nugget pleco. Today I noticed that the usually happy and active bushynose was hiding behind the heater, the same behavior I noticed in the hillstream loach before it passed. Waited all day, tried to get him to come out but he didn't so I finally moved him to my other 10gal that I know is extremely healthy. The water parameters for the 10gal in question are consistently good. My question is, should I also move the Gold nugget to the other 10gal?? I don't want to wait for the Gold Nugget to exhibit the same signs, but I also don't want to overload my other 10gal. Any suggestions??
Sometimes moving the fish is stressful enough to send them over the edge if they are iffy, so unless there are specific water quality issues with the tank they are in, I would leave them be.

Your bushy nose is likely going to be a much hardier inhabitant than the loach, and at least for me, I rarely if ever see mine in my 55gal (I have 3 in there) but if this is unusual behavior it is good to be attentive.

In the presence of good, stable tank conditions I would not move the fish. Put out some zuchinni and the next day if they did not touch it there would be reason for concern, as it should be a pretty tempting treat.

What are your tank parameters, just to be nosy?
Tank parameters are as follows:

ph: 7.2
nitrite: o
nitrates: 40 ppm
ammonia: 0

These are consistent, typical results. I've so far left the gold nugget in there and she has munched on some romaine lettuce recently (ran out of zucchini and cucumber ). "Ernie" the bushynose is acting the same in his new tank as the old one but I dare say he has more color today. :) Thanks for the advice.

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