Need help... Aggresive damsel!!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 29, 2011
I bought 5 blue damsels about 2 months ago and after 2 days I had 4. After 3 more weeks I had only 3 swimming and as of Monday I only have 2.

I identified which one is the aggressor because he is now trying I kill the remaining damsel. I caught the aggressive one and returned him to my LFS and purchased 2 true clowns. Should I remove the remaining damsel or will he be okay since he is the only damsel and he was the passive one of the two? I don't want to lose the clowns... wife picked them out.
Damsels are highly aggressive fish. Personally, I'm just not a fan. I'd probably choose between the two type of fish. Clowns, or the damsel. Odds are the damsel will turn on the percs at some point.

I'd keep the clowns and return the damsel. Better safe than sorry and then you can get some other less aggressive and community friendly fish.
I never got into damsels bc everything I read had them as very aggressive. It also said if u add them to do it last so the the other fish had already picked their territory. I would just get rid of him IMO. . U don't want him messing with your clowns.
Update: screw damsels. The second I put the 2 clowns in he went right after them, Mohawk fin flyin. Took me another 15 minutes to catch him probably stressed the clowns out more. Hope they survive the night. Right now one is on the far left just chillin by the power head and the other in on the far right swimming up an down the side glass. Is that normal?
Yeah clowns do alot of crazy things. Their just checking out the tank. I wouldn't worry. Go idea on getting rid of the damsel.
I just flushed a damsel down the toilet that had been beat up by my other damsel.
Turned off the lights and he is already starting to swim around more with his companion. I'm sticking with docile fish from now on. I think I'm just gonna leave the light out till tomorrow
Turned off the lights and he is already starting to swim around more with his companion. I'm sticking with docile fish from now on. I think I'm just gonna leave the light out till tomorrow

Yup agreed. I think the only aggressive fish I would put in my reef would be a purple tang. But that's just b/c they look awesome. Otherwise, I stick to the nice guys.
I've had mine for about 10 months. I bought two of them. They were my first fishes in the tank. About two months ago the male got a little aggressive but only towards me not other tankmates. Whenever I scrub the walls with a pad or do a water change he nibbles at my hand. Lol. It doesnt hurt or anything. I'm not sure but I think he might have paired with the female so he's trying to protect her maybe. Not quite sure yet. They might be breeding too. Idk.
It's very possible that they could breed. I had about 10 blue/green Chromis( a type of Damsel) in my tank for years, and 2 of them would dart off to the front corner and shimmy up the side together. They would leave all these whitish dots on the glass. Never saw any fry, but they were definitely breeding! Probably should have seperated the pair and tried to breed them, but that was too much to bite off at that time. Just saw It as a great natural food for everything else.
I have whitish dots on the back of my tank where they hang out at. I thought those dots were baby snails egg. Every now m then then I'll c a tiny white snail moving across the glass. Am I wrong saying that they r snails? Or r they clown eggs?
White dots could be many things, mine I believe we're Chromis eggs. I hope they are clown eggs, good luck!
So the clowns are just swimming at the top middle of the back of the tank. I haven't seen them explore at all. Should I be concerned or are they just adjusting
I would think they're fine, clowns aren't very exploratory anyway IM0. As long as your water parameters are all good. I would just keep an eye on them for any obvious signs of a problem.
I have just taken my tank apart to get a blue damsel out that was slowly killing residents. He's gone now and I feel sane once more. My clowns are now stress free. Knew I shouldn't have bought anything with devil in its name.
So my crazy clowns are still swimming as close to the top that possibly can. No sign of gasping. I was reading on the web that sometimes they could do this for up to a month till they get comfortable. Anyone else experience this. Really freaky last night when they tried to sleep on their sides at the surface. I check all parameter (salinity, pH, nitrate, nitrite, phos) and everything checks out.
I once had a Goldband maroon that did that for about a month, he was fine other than his behavior. I just kinda thought maybe he wasn't playin with a full deck and traded him for a Clarkii. I just couldn't stand to see him doing it anymore!
Not that this may be your case, but I've experienced it too. Don't watch them too long, it will make you dizzy! Lol
Each fish is different. Lionfish are suppose to be 'shy' and hang out in the rocks and not really free swim. My crazy lionfish is very very active and LOVES attention. He is always swimming around the top of the tank looking for food. The only time he hangs out on the rocks is when he is sleeping (he sleeps upside down like a bat). My Foxface Lo is very friendly and minds its own business. While my magnificent foxface has to be kept in my predictor tank because it kills any docile fish.
So it's been almost 2 weeks and the clowns are still just hovering along the back wall at the top of the tank. They are eating well and are still not showing any signs of stress (no gasping for air and what not) I know clowns are "funny", but call me crazy but I like to see fish swimming around my tank not floating at the top :)
Not saying that my tank or fish are anything like yours but since I re homed my damsel the tank is now producing an aura of calm and the clowns can now come down from the surface and sleep in the zoas (they couldn't before) that they have now become so fond of without being harassed. I too feel calm once more. :)

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