need help!! demasoni is NOT looking so good

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mr funktastic

Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2005
alliston, ON
i just bought a little demasoni not even an inceh and he seemed ok for the first 2 days but not i see im laying on his side on the bottom of the tank breathing funny. i tested my water and it is fine and there is only a little calvis and a snail in the tank with him so its not stress. what do i do? i already did a partial water change to help but it didnt seem to do anything. :(
Sounds like it's just a baby. Freak is right, it must have been sick when you got it. You should take it back to the lfs they may give you a credit towards a new fish.

Sorry Mr. F.
i have him in a 10 gallon right now but only becasue he is soo small. i am going with u to that he was sick. i guess you win some u loose some. i got him from big als and i am positive that i could walk in there and get a new fish on the spot no charge but it is a 25 min drive to get there and its not woth it. if he gets better then thats good but if he doesnt then i will have to get a new one. i will post a pic of the tank i just set up for him and the calvis. it looks pretty good
the calvus and the demasoni probably is not a good idea, more so in a 10g.
i have no idea why its gasping at the bottom though. try some more pwc's and aerating the tank a bit more.
they arnt anywhere near each other so the 2 fish together are not a problem. he just appears to be breathing fast and just kinda laying there. ohhh this sucks. i really like this guy. he just got his colours nice and bright after they got dull when he was moved. also thats another thing he doesnt seem to be loosing colour. usually when fihs are stressed they loose colour but he seems fine.
Like Tetrin said a 10g will be to small for the two. As for the breathing problem this is not a good sign :( pretty much every time I've had a fish doing what you described he was sick and didn't make it. :( I hope that he gets better.
heres the tank. with a close up of the caves i made. u cant see it but there is a huge whole that goes thoguh the lava rock i got it on the wronge angle. the camera wouldnt adjust the lighting properly because of the reflection off the sand but u get the jist of it
In the long run these two fish are not going to be great companions, especially in a 10gal where a single calvus could rule the roost, so to speak, but as far as the demasoni is concerned I am wondering if there was a big difference between the water values where he was being kept versus your tank, and if there is a big difference you would expect the symptoms you describe, in the absence of ammonia and nitrite issues. How was the demasoni acclimated?
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