Need help on stock ideas

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 7, 2003
Atlanta, GA
Ok, I'm crazy. But here we go.

As many of you may know, I have recently finished setting up a new 90 gallon planted tank, and transfered my tropical community from my 29 gallon to the new tank. All seems well for the moment, even with the additions of some new fish. The only loss was a new glow-lite tetra from the lfs, which died in 2 days for unknown reasons. Water parameters are currently holding steady with about 0.1ppm ammonia and no other readings. The tank has a pre-established Penguin 330 from the old 29 gallon, as well as a new Rena Filstar XP-3. The XP-3 has the normal foam pads, carbon and floss, as well as bio-media in the center box (Ceramic rings and lava rock). The lighting is 220watts, but only one fixture is running at the moment and a 36 watt is helping to supplement until I get the final bulb. There is a Penguin 1200gph powerhead on the opposite side of the tank from the XP-3's spray bar and the Penguin. Large driftwood in the center, 7 bags of Eco-complete as substrate, and quite a few plants... There's three 'adult' swords, 5-7 'baby' swords, banana plants, java ferns, mondo grass, etc.. I don't know all the names.

Anyways. That was a long paragraph! Now the fish questions! As you can see by my signature, the tank is rather well-stocked. If the inch-rule actually applied to a tank this size, I estimate the adult bio-load to be just under 95 inches. The new tankmates are the clown loaches, the serpae/red minor tetras and 4 of the danios. All other fish are well over 8 months old.

I'm concerned about the pink kisser though. He was doing okay in the 29 gallon, but he can technically reach a foot in length, and I think he'll begin eating smaller fish at that point. I'd like to swap him out for another of the 4in variety of gouramis, or even two (Another gold and another opaline). Ok, no problem there really, 12 inches traded for 8 inches. I know a gold/opaline quad-group can get along from past experiences.

Here's my problem though. I'd really really really really like to get some green tiger barbs (Green cause normal ones look like Clown loaches) and a dojo loach... And maybe even 1-2 more clown loaches. This would push me close to 120 inches though. I don't believe the dojo could possibly bother anyone. All the schooling fish will get along fine to my knowledge (The clowns swim with the serpae's, actually)..

So my concerns: The gourami's will be the big fish of the tank, but I think they should have enough room. The barbs may nip though. The danios are the only long-finned fish, but they're fast and stay near the top. I honestly don't think the dojo will bother anyone and will probably dig in the substrate all day... All of this SEEMS like it should work out but be pushing it just a tad (Well maybe a lot). Adding more clown loaches seems like it'd MAJORLY push it but I'd love for them to have more buddies, one of them hides all the time while the other two play.

Summary (In order greatest importance to least): Remove pink kisser. Add 5 green tiger barbs. Add one gold and one opaline gourami. Add dojo loach. Add 2 clown loaches.

If you actually read all this, thanks :p Its a mess, but this tank is simply awesome, and I feel these additions, if workable, would make it totally completely .. er.. complete. Any advice from others who have kept such a large community tank (But with mostly smaller fish, minus the loaches) are appreciated.

Final note: The tank has a large apple/mystery snail and 4 african dwarf frogs. I will be also adding 4-6 small otos for algae once the tank has been around a bit longer and there's actually algae for them to eat.
PS What does "bump" mean?

In forums the most recent post is at the top of the list. Sometimes a message will get 'pushed' down toward the bottom of the page or even off the page due to high activity and the question will still exist. To 'bump' a post is to reply with the sole intent of getting it back up to the top of the list.

Forum ediqute says bumping is ok as long as its not done to excessivly. People should always give a post a chance at a reply. In this instance 7 hours elapsed before it was bumped.

I keep a trio of Blue Gouramis (Opaline/Cosby), Trichogaster trichopterus in a 26-gallon tank with 8 Tiger Barbs (among other fish...see my signature for the full population). There is virtually no interaction between the Gouramis and the Barbs. The Tiger Barbs are so busy dealing with each other that they ignore the Gouramis, and vice-versa. No incidents of fin-nipping have occurred.

Keep in mind, when you consider buying more Gouramis, that two males in a tank will fight fairly constantly, sometimes (rarely) to the death. Gold Gouramis are simply color morphs of the Blue Gourami so a male Gold Gourami and a male Blue Gourami will sometimes fight it out. If you want four Gouramis, I strongly recommend 3 females and 1 male. You can tell the difference in semi-adult fish because the males have much longer dorsal fins. Even with this mix the Gouramis will set up a 'pecking order' and will squabble fairly often (though usually with no damage inflicted).

As far as the Clown Loaches, Botia macracantha, are're correct in thinking you might be pushing the bioload just a bit, especially as they grow. could probably get away with it for a couple of years or more. Remember that your Clown Loaches have the potential to pester your Mystery Snail literally to death.

Sounds like an interesting tank you've got in mind!
fishfreek said:
PS What does "bump" mean?

In forums the most recent post is at the top of the list. Sometimes a message will get 'pushed' down toward the bottom of the page or even off the page due to high activity and the question will still exist. To 'bump' a post is to reply with the sole intent of getting it back up to the top of the list.

Forum ediqute says bumping is ok as long as its not done to excessivly. People should always give a post a chance at a reply. In this instance 7 hours elapsed before it was bumped.

Thanks! :)

Hope it's ok I posted this!
The clown loaches will really be pushing it once they start to get soem size to them. And yes, get rid of the kisser.

However, here's my thoughts.
Once the plants really take off, you aren't even gonna see half those fish, at least some of the time. Hold off for a while on any more fish.

IIRC, you wanted to really aquascape the tank well, yes? If that's still the case, concentrate on the plants for a while. See how it grows in, and how more/other fish will fit the aquascape. If you rush into more fish, of any type, you may end up sacrificing your original goal.

One of the SW folks around here had a sig that said something to the effect of "nothing good happens quickly in a reef tank." IMO, it's exactly the same for a planted tank. Go slow, plan ahead, keep your original goal in mind.

OTOH, I could be way off base, and you just wanna know if your fish choices will work! Sorry if I took your post way off what you were looking for.
Good responses. That's part of my concern though.. I want there to be enough fish to be fairly visible.

At this point, I will consider the additions of the barbs and dojo fair game.. but will wait. I will hold judgement out on the gourami's for now, and the clown loaches will be the last consideration. I'll see how the plants go out. I'm happy with the current aquascaping, but it'll be good to see how the plants grow to provide a better back top. I left a good portion of the front of the tank fairly clear of tall growing plants. (I'll get photos soon, I'm waiting on my last bulb and to let the plants finish recovering from the lfs's horrible conditions. There's already very noticable difference in health)

I may forget about getting two more gold/opaline gouramis, and find a third color morph for a trio. When I had 2 golds and 2 opalines months back, the golds paired together, and the opalines paired together. I'd kinda hope for the same, but maybe just one more of a different morph would be better.

I'm still shaky uncertain about the clowns.. As we all have pointed out, they'd be the ones to majorly push things after a few years, but they're just so entertaining it might almost be worth it.
Pictures.. Decided to take some anyways. They pretty much suck but I like the very last one of the dwarf gourami.. The big swords in the back are from another tank and used to be under on 24 watts of light. The swords in the other corner are from them. The rest was purchased Saturday.

Yeah. That's a turtle ornament. Its been with these fish for about as long as I've been in fish keeping, had to move it with them :p
Actually, I don't see a prob with another clown or 2 because of the size of the tank AND the fact it'll be well planted. A 90g will leave plenty of room for 4 or 5 full grown loaches, and i don't see an issue with the others except the kisser (which you'll be removing). One of THE loach gurus runs a 60g with 3 clowns as well as 30 diff tetras, 4 bristlenose and 7 rainbows; its also a well planted tank. You can see what I mean here: (check out the well planted tank).

The only thing I'm unsure of is the frogs once the loaches reach eatin size LOL

HTH :)
Wow. Simply wow. Both that and his loach tank are simply awesome.

Ok, the clowns go in. The gouramis are still up in the air for now. I'll be getting them, but not sure of the type/number.

I think the frogs should be okay :p
*grins* If you have the time, check out Bob's gallery, especially the clown loach one. Look for Basil. Biggest fattest clown loach I have ever seen LOL Pig!
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