Need help organizing tanks

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 25, 2015
Okay so I don't need help starting any tanks I just want an organization opinion.

1 Rainbow shark, 2 dwarf gourami, 5 tiger barb, 3 rosy barb(they shoal with my tigers so I'm not planning on adding any), 5 kuhli loach, 1 snail

This tank I'm pretty set on leaving as is.

2 swordtail(m,f pair), 3 rummynose(plan on going to 5), 1 platy, 1 molly(trying to filter him out..tired of mollys so I'm not going to add more), 2 skirt tetras(again I don't love these guys but havnt rehomed yet), 1 dwarf puffer(somehow he is sweet unlike what people say), 2 dwarf cory

I understand there are many issues here and I also know what they are. It's due to a friend giving up on fish. This is why I'm asking for help.

Betta, lots of ghost shrimp, lots of snails


3 platy fry, 1 scarlet badi

Now to the point... I'm getting a free 10g from a friend and want to reorganize. :)
Help if you have suggestions.
Move some of the Ghost shrimp to the 10 gallon because they get very territorial and if you don't want the molly and tetras move them to the 10g and the dwarf puffer will eventually need brackish conditions and bump up the cory numbers to at least 4-6 because they are more active when in big groups. Hope this helps!
Move some of the Ghost shrimp to the 10 gallon because they get very territorial and if you don't want the molly and tetras move them to the 10g and the dwarf puffer will eventually need brackish conditions and bump up the cory numbers to at least 4-6 because they are more active when in big groups. Hope this helps!

The dwarf will need brackish?? I've never been told this... How will I know when it's time to switch?

Everything I read says 0 salt at all

36g semi-aggressive
20g community
5.5g betta/ghost shrimp
3g betta
2g fry
Dwarf puffers do not need brackish. They can live long healthy lives in freshwater. Figure 8 puffers are the ones that start freshwater and need brackish once mature.

You could see how the bettas like the Corys.


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Nevermind i take that back i meant to say they need good water quality and can be finicky in my opinion when it comes to food in my experience with one and prefer low flow since they aren't strong swimmers to begin with

36g semi-aggressive
20g community
5.5g betta/ghost shrimp
3g betta
2g fry
Because of tank size there's not much space to bump all those fish to the schools they need.


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Yeah again that's not my plan. Some of my fish were sick rescues.

I would prefer to make my 10g a nano fish tank

36g semi-aggressive
20g community
5.5g betta/ghost shrimp
3g betta
2g fry
Try and sell the fish on here that you don't want. I'm sure someone would take interest. If not, try a local LFS and explain the situation and that you don't have space for them.


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