Need help picking out fish!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 2, 2013
So I want to add some fish to my 10 g tank. I no it's not a very big tank. And it is also my first real tank that I've gotten into and really enjoy. I got a betta is there any other kinda fish I could put in with it beside schoolin fish? Like another main fish ? Any suggestions and tips will help. Not just with fish with tank design equipment and so on! Thank you !!!!

Not really, bettas are known for their aggression and fighting
You could add about 10 ghost shrimp
Probably not another main fish but you could try schoolers, though it depends on your individual betta. I have a quite friendly betta with cardinal tetras and Cory catfish in a 10 gallon. Maybe try the ghost shrimp and if they don't disappear go for some schoolers.
Probably not another main fish but you could try schoolers, though it depends on your individual betta. I have a quite friendly betta with cardinal tetras and Cory catfish in a 10 gallon. Maybe try the ghost shrimp and if they don't disappear go for some schoolers.[/
ThAnks ! Got a bristle nose dwarf pleco a ivory mystery snail and ghost shrimp all good with my betta! Might get some Cory's or tetras not sure tho. . Don't wanna over stock my tank!
Pleco isn't a good choice for a ten gal tank, even if it is a BN. I'd take him/her back, and get 6 neon tetras or harlequin rasboras.
If you do get cories, make sure they are dwarf cories, not panda, peppered, bronze, albino, etc.
No offense but that doesn't look like 10 gallons. Even if it is, it's a tall tank and not a long one so schoolers are out of the question. bristlenose plecos get way to big for that tank. I'd stick with snails and maybe some red cherry shrimp.
It's def a 10 gallon tank pic make it look weird it's the Marineland 10 gallon half moon
Ye I figured. I think I'm down with fish for it for now any way. Thank u tho! I will be upgrading my tank in the next few months !
That's a pretty beta.

Maybe some African dwarf frogs? They usually recommend 3 or more with those and I'm not sure how many you could put in a 10 gallon. I hear they are poop machines and add quite a bit to the bio-load considering their size.
That's a pretty beta.

Maybe some African dwarf frogs? They usually recommend 3 or more with those and I'm not sure how many you could put in a 10 gallon. I hear they are poop machines and add quite a bit to the bio-load considering their size.

I wouldn't put ADF in that tank
It's too tall, and your frogs would have to swim up all that for air, they will get too stressed, or too tired and they will die
I'm good on stock for now gonna update take in a few months. Will want help and suggestions for that tank as well thank you guys !!
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