Need help restarting

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ok im back i went at the rock creating a 5" diameter rock with a flat bottom, a small 3" diameter rock sorta like a triangle and the main rock is now about 9" diameter with a nice flat side which could now stand up
now i need the sand 40lbs would do right, the tank is a corner so it doesent have as much floor area as it does height
ha , just water in a bag of sand lmao, but do you think thats a good deal i do
and i dont think its live sand but just sand
I just ordered 40 pounds of rock and 40 pounds of sand for my tank should be here in like 2 or 3 days cant wait what do you think of using bacteria supplements 2 start the cycling process?
You can still cycle with the fish you'll just have to keep the ammonia level to zero with pwc's and close monitoring. It can be done :)
It's up to you. It just will take longer and mean more work to cycle with the fish. if you do give them away make sure some dumb "blank" doesn't take them to cycle their tank. :)
LOL Could be they are nasty. It's entirely up to you. Do you not want them anymore? Is it possible to drive that hour to the other pet store? he might give u some store credit for fish that you actually want.
LOL Could be they are nasty. It's entirely up to you. Do you not want them anymore? Is it possible to drive that hour to the other pet store? he might give u some store credit for fish that you actually want.

one of these days i could make it out there hopefully i dont want damsels in my tank and the 3g isnt serving them
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