Need help stocking my 30 gallon aqarium

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 18, 2015
Hey everyone, I'm new on this site so I'm hoping I get a lot of great responses :),,,,, anyway so I have a 30 gallon tank with black substrate a big piece of driftwood and a hole bunch of fake plants, oh and a moss ball, so I have had this tank running for about 4 mounts now and everything has been pretty good so far ,
ATM I have 4 neon tetras, I had a group of 7 but a lot of them died and I have thought about it and I'm not going to get more of them.
I also have 5 golden mountain clouds, people say that they are a cold water fish and I researched it, it says they can live up to 74 C..... And that is exactly what my temperature if at,.... So anyway I have one little cory Dora catfish, ( I am getting more of them, I love them). But I kind of want do more fish :fish2:
I want like a tetra that would stay. Ore towards the bottom or mid part of the tank, and trust me have research a lot and I like know pretty much all the fish ,it's just soo hard to pick one :D , hope to hear back do thanks :) :thanks:
I like black neons (I have a school of nine an there awesome) they tend to be a perfect mid tank swimmer. Cardinals are also a good candidate as well as any of smaller tetras such as embers though if you get anything that small make sure you avoid any fish that can eat them.

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Thank you for the reply , I will keep black neon tetras in my tank, would they be able to get the neon tetra disease? Orr ? I would also kinda like some more options too!!! :)
Nope, no neon tetra disease is possible though I believe black Neons are a bit more sensitive to Ick but a quick heat treatment takes care of it

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Nope, no neon tetra disease is possible though I believe black Neons are a bit more sensitive to Ick but a quick heat treatment takes care of it

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Have you ever had cardinal tetras???
Urg it's so hard to pick tetras.... There are soo many awesome ones
^yup, I have a school of cardinals and I liked them fine, never had any problems. Just my personal preference are fish that are usally dark in color such as a silver an black with hints of bight colors. Such as in a black neon, they have they bright red orange streak above their eyes or on my angel where when it blushes vibrant blue streaks appear. It's all about what you like an can support when stocking a tank.

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If you aren't going to maintain a proper school of neons then return them to a pet store, having less than six will stress them further.

For alternatives:
As suggested black neons
Serpae tetras
Cherry barbs
Lambchop rasboras
Celestial pearl danios
Black skirt tetras

Cories are neat, I kept emeralds.
I'm assuming you mean 74 °f not C, for obvious reasons. That limits your options and you need to decide colder or warmer.
Awesome so u like your cardinals? How long have you had them? I soooo want them, but I don't want to do something wrong everyone says that cardinals are super hard to keep and the die easily :-/
Awesome :) soo they aren't hard to care for how long have you had them? Have you had any issues ?
In my opinion cardinals aren't hard to keep if properly cared for. I think most problems with them occur because of poor acclimation.
Awesome :) soo they aren't hard to care for how long have you had them? Have you had any issues ?

I do not currently house them, I have before. I had them for over two years with a gourami and guppy combo, 20 long. In a school of 10 they were comfortable and inquisitive for the 2 years and 1 or 2 months I had them. Some of mine were even comfortable enough to break off from the school during the day to forage, that shows a comfortable place in the tank in schooling species.
They are more hearty than neons as well as more inquisitive. Slightly larger as well. Hierarchy's will form among the ranks if more than 8 are present. Its truly fun to watch. Great species indeed!
Seriously? They are cause every where is look they say cardinals don't do well with poor water conditions and like tiny spikes in the water? But I always worry about my neons getting the neon tetras disease
How would you say to properly acclimate them??,, do u have experience with them? If so I'd like to hear about it :)
I have some in one of my tanks. I started with 10 and have 7 left after about a year. The ones that died were I the tank for at least 3 months. Anyways, drip acclimation is the best IMO and the only way I acclimate fish.
Oh okay that's awesome!!! I've wanted them for a long time but u know, everyone always said they aren't worth it, they die do easily ... So I never got them :-/

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