Need help thinking of a center piece plant

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 3, 2013
Okay so I'm trying to create a beautiful planted aquarium with several different red plants but I'm having trouble deciding what I want as a center piece plant. I'm looking for a bold red plant that grows tall and broad. Originally i was thinking nesaea crassicaulis and then I started thinking pogostemon stellatus 'broadleaf but idk anymore. So any ideas for a great centerpiece plant would be appreciated.

Here is a drawing of the layout I want to achieve once I purchase a lighting system that can support the plants

Here is my set up as of now

This is where I want to put a centerpiece plant
One. Let me state that I was very pleasantly surprised to see that you put a centerpiece plant as compared to fish :) people underestimate the impact a great plant can have and I'm happy that you see the importance of it.

Two. A very nice plant to use would be a Red Tiger Lotus. Very easy to keep, doesn't require high lights for a red color (not sure on your equipment), gives beautiful broad leaves. The only real maintenance with this plant is to trim any leaf shoot that goes too high as they do tend to try and send runners to the top of the tank. If you're able to keep it trimmed, it keeps it beautiful compact shape.
Thank you, these plants look very nice! I will definitely be considering this
I was actually looking more for a stem plant. Do you have any ideas as for stem plants?
I am a non-green stem plant addict! I don't know which ones you have but Rotala Macrandra is great for a tall background plant that will really fill out and give a good impact when several stems are planted as a group. Other favorite red plants are Ludwigia peruensis aka Ludwigia glandulosa, Cabomba Furcata, Limnophila hippuroides has a great impact with it's hot pink tops, and Rotala Wallichii.
Wow I really like Limnophilia hippuroides i think it meets my qualifications, thank you very much you've been very helpful
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