Need help understanding GH & KH testing

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 18, 2013
Northern Illinois
Just purchased API test kit to test GH & KH for my freshwater tank. I always test for PH, Amonia, Nitrites & Nitrates but I'v never tested for GH & KH until now. Took 6 drops to change test tube water to yellow for KH test. And took 7 drops to chg test tube water to green for GH. What does all this mean?
Yes, as old scales said one drop equals one German degree of hardness.

KH is part of GH, so almost all of the hardness in your water is KH. With that high of a KH you should have a stable pH and have little danger of it changing much, which most of us consider a good thing.

Since your KH is almost as high as your GH you don't have a lot of non carbonates adding to the hardness of your water.

I prefer to deal strictly in German degrees, but if you do want to convert to ppm just multiply your dH by 17.9. Some of us who live in hard water areas can have readings off the top of the conversion chart that API provides.
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