Need help upgrading to a 100 gallon from a 12 gallon.

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 23, 2006
Hey there,

I started a nano reef 4 months ago and the tank is gorgeous and I LOVE the fish. So for the last months I've been seriously thinking of upgrading. I live in New York City and I've been looking at the Tenecor tanks... Acrylic... 100 gallon... 60 inches long show aquariums.

I have a few concerns though...

1. I know that acrylic scratches but I'm not sure how easily (especially with the Tenecor models)... I live in NYC (4 floor walkup) and I'm looking to try and keep the tank lighter. I also prefer the look of acrylic to glass... Will I run into major problems with acrylic and algae remouval?

2. The thing that has really got me stuck is filitration. I've been looking getting a sump and maybe an AquaC in sump protein skimmer... But I'm not sure if I should just be getting one of those all in one... AquaMedic sumps that come with skimmers built in. Also... What about a refugiem? Should I get one? And then there's the assembly of all this... It's a little daunting and I don't want to screw up... How do you keep a prefilter (skimmer in the back) from becoming noisy with all that water going down? Lots of little questions... Any advice? What did you guys do? Build your own sumps or go out and buy one of those assembled ones or can Tenecor help me out here?

Under my 6' 155g tank (175g stand, so it's tall), I have a (from left to right) 30"w sump/fuge, 10" where my skimmer and overflow reservoir is, and a 37g FW reservoir for top-offs. Now, you probably can't do a FW reservoir, but hopefully a pic may help you visualize better.
Make sure you have a way to mix/store/drain/dispose of all the water you'll be going through, at least for awhile.

That's been the biggest hurdle with my 75, huge 35g tubs of water sitting around mixing in my living room, and carrying bucket after bucket of old water to the utility sink...
carrying bucket after bucket of old water to the utility sink...

Could you use something like this:'

I bought one but never used it since I have a septic tank and didn't want to dump SW into it. I believe the one attachment hooks to you faucet and starts the suction, when you turn on the water.....
I've looked at those.

They drain into the sink where the faucet is?

But I'll still have 35g tubs of water sitting around for a day after mixing salt, prime, etc.

I really need a monster RODI filter, AND a drain!

Honestly, I've rather enjoyed the workout, and my wife loves how much triceps and pecs are building up from all the heavy lifting :)

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