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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 7, 2012
I am wanting to make the transition from a freshwater to a saltwater setup.
I have a 55 gallon that I am wanting to use. I don't want to attempt coral yet, just fish for now. I was wondering if anyone could give me a list of things that I need. I also have questions about the necessities as well.

1. Do I have to have a sump?
2. Can I just use my standard freshwater lighting?
3. What kind of heating do I need? Will a normal heater work?
4. Will my freshwater filters work, or do I need to buy a protein skimmer?
Tychoon said:
I am wanting to make the transition from a freshwater to a saltwater setup.
I have a 55 gallon that I am wanting to use. I don't want to attempt coral yet, just fish for now. I was wondering if anyone could give me a list of things that I need. I also have questions about the necessities as well.

1. Do I have to have a sump?

2. Can I just use my standard freshwater lighting?
If its fish only then yes

3. What kind of heating do I need? Will a normal heater work?

4. Will my freshwater filters work,

or do I need to buy a protein skimmer?
I would recommend one if its a large tank but its nothing you can't do on your own with water changes. If you go this route then I would do the sump. And if you buy a skimmer buy one that's rated double of your tank size.

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