need plant info

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 27, 2011
I just bought some plants for my Refugem and my non plant eater tank..Refugeum is fresh water..does anyone know did I just get taken? is Dracaena an UNDERWATER plant its in my 55 Gal completely submerged?Spathiphyllum was also in the combo is it UNDERWATER PLANT?Trichomanes and syngonium? Will they survive in the refugem with roots underwater but plant tops above water?Will they still die soon?
there used to be a page where you could look up plants and it would tell if it was TRULY AQUATIC or UNDERWATER plant just from putting in the plant name,Does anyone know what that web page is?
after using the above link they were returned I traded them for another anubias and a bleheri thanks again for the plant geek link..I think that is the site I used to look at..
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