need sand aeration

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 2, 2004
Highlands, NC
what kind of fish should i be looking for?

im just wondering, the 2 bronze corys that i have do a good job but im wondering if i need to get them more help.

thanks all
I'd get a herd of corys goin dude. They are such cool fish. There are some many variations too. Other wise you might could get a plecostomus for algae, or maybe another catfish of some sort to pick up on spare food?
For sand aeration, you need something that will dig in the sand--cories are not going to do that. Once every couple of weeks, just stir the sand around with your fingers. Personally, I stir the sand and added MTS to my two sand tanks.
How big is the tank?

If its the 75 in your sig get a Pl*co.

The one I have in my 29 disk ALL THE FRICKEN TIME!

I have to constantly move sand back because he exposes the glass bottom.
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