Need some advise on live plants!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 23, 2004
Hey people!
I have a 30 Gal tanks that I am currently setting up. But I was wanting to try live plants again. My 37gal when I did setup it up, I tried a couple of live plants, and they died, it was just a big mess! I don't think I did it right. So I was wanting to try it again with my new 30gal, to see if I could get it to work. So if I could get some advise on what to do! That would be great! Thanks! :D
What sort of lighting do you have?

In a low lighting situation, as well as for beginners, little beats java ferns and anubias....they are tough as nails, and require less light than many plants.
Read the sticky post in this forum for a start. Then realize that it all starts with light.
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