Need some assistance with a snail tank!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 24, 2003
Jackson Ms
I have set up a snail only tank to raise snails for my 3 fig 8 Puffers. I purchased a 1 gallon kit with UGF, top light, and a small bit of gravel. I have been going to Petsmart grabing some snails. I put a few of the snails into the puffer tank and the rest go into the snail tank. After being in the snail tank for a while the end of their shells get white. Eventually the shells get clear, and it looks like they come off. I have noticed a few empty shells with what looks like snail remains beside the empty shell. I figure this has to do with water chemistry but I'm not sure what exactly the problem is. Most people can't get rid of snails fast enough. I can't keep them alive. Any suggestions???? THANKS

Did you cycle with soft water?

I wonder if your GH and KH are really low and the calcium in the snails shells are dissolving into the water.

If so maybe you could try some powdered dolomite in the filter, maybe a 1/4 tsp every water change

OR you could put a source of calium in there like crushed coral or cuttlebone or just dump a glass of milk and a bottle of tums in there.

All seriousness aside, though, I hope it works out, I have a 10g snail tank that - curiously enough - I have to twiddle with it all the time to keep things right for snails, but if ya don't pay attention in any of your other tanks, they just grow on their own. :?:
Low gh and kh as stated above. Also, low ph could play into it. I don't have that problem around here, but if I did I'd get some oyster shells, any shellfish shells, really, and put them in the tank. They will naturally raise the hardness of your water and your snails will grow better shells and have a better survival rate. Just boil the shells first, get rid of any nasties that may be lingering there.

just dump a glass of milk and a bottle of tums in there.

This was a joke, yes snapcrackler? If so, please say so in the future. Thanks, just wouldnt want anyone to take it seriously.

Hmmm, wonder if the tums would work? wouldn't try the milk, but the tums might actually be ok. DON'T try this at home, people!
I apologize, yes I was just joking :oops:

I will be more clear in the future.

Thank you for pointing that out, I could stand to tone down my weird sense of humor sometimes.

I had been giving them some flake fish food, but it always looks soo nasty in the bottom of the tank. I am now trying some lettuce. It doesnt look near as bad. I have a old sea shell in the tank, it has been there since I started the tank project. i have a few more I guess I could crush and put in. The one that is in there now covers most of the 1 gal bottom.
Try feeding spinach. It is high in calcium and can't hurt anyway. I have found taht celery is also a favorite of my snails. I just float it on the surface and the little guys always seem to be attached to it the next day. It will eventually sink. Broccoli stem pieces are also good.
Petsmart here never has any snails in their plants that I can find. There are plenty of snails in there tanks. They are always happy to see me coming to get them. Prob is petsmart is about 30 min away, and I worry about bringing home some disease.
I checked my water tonight. Ph 8, GH 2, KH 9.
I have some old seashells can I crush them and add to the gravel???
Could I add some of my water hardener that I use for my hot tub??
Its safe enough for me to lay around in. But would it be safe enough once the snails become puffer food.
I have some old seashells can I crush them and add to the gravel???
Yes, but boil them first.
Could I add some of my water hardener that I use for my hot tub??

Without knowing what it is chemically composed of, I'd say no. If you know whats in it, and can compare to AQ products, maybe it would be ok, but it sounds risky to me.
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