Need some severum/general Cichlid help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 6, 2011
Upstate NY
65 gallon 36 w x 24 h x 18 d.
4'' Uaru
3'' Gold Severum
4'' Clown Loach
2'' Clown Loach
4'' Angel
5'' Moonlight Gourami
4'' Plantinum Gourami
4'' Blue Three Spot Gourami
3'' Gold Gourami
3'' Opaline Gourami
3'' False Juli Cory Cats(3)
2'' Otto Cats (5)
Eco Complete/Gravel Mix
5 Anubis on driftwood
6 Amazon Sword
4 Cryptocoryne
1 Mellon Sword
1 Ruffle Plant
1 Small Driftwood
2 Large Driftwood
Lots of rock caves/tunnels and hiding spots.

My local fish store has amazing red severums. There are about 4''-6''. I was wanting to get one but they told me it would not be a good idea because of the gold severum I already have. Is he right?

If so then I will be looking for another fish. I perfer 4''-7'', colorful, peaceful/semi aggressive and no picky eaters any ideas?
In my opinion your already overstocked with over half your fish not fully grown, once full grown your done. The severum and uaru will reach 10" and clown loaches belong in a 4ft tank at the minimum. I don't have a issue with the gouramis as I keep a 55g with nothing but and has 15 from blues, golds, moonlights, opalines, and pearls with no issues. I agree with the LFS but not with their reason.
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Welcome to the forum. You definitely have some stocking issues going on. All the different gourami types is usually not recommended, but I don't have a ton of experience with those particular species. Clown loaches get far too large to keep in that size tank. Given that they are best in groups and grow to the size of professional footballs, they really need a large footprint.
I have kept at least 4 different kinds of gourami in my tank(s) for over 4 years and NEVER had a problem. They have all gotten along great. I knew the clown loaches might outgrow my tank but I like them so much I couldnt resist. I figured I would get ride of them if they got to big. I wont keep them if they get too big. Also I planned on getting ride of all the gourami at some point, because I want to go with a cichlid tank.
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