Need some tips on planting HC.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 13, 2010
Got a pot of HC (dwarf baby tears) a couple of weeks ago for my new tank I'm about to plant. Its been sitting in my other tank and the stems have grown a little long out the pot.

Just wondering if these stems can be snipped to create more clumps to plant? Or is it best to keep them long like that since there's not going to be a good root system to keep them anchored? I've read that Fluval Stratum is real light and I'm worried about the HC getting lose when i turn the filter on for the first time (Fluval 106 on a 6g).

I want to cover more ground by spreading out the clumps. I decided to not do the dry start method.. So tips on planting would be great..

Substrate is a couple inches on Floramax, topped off with Fluval Stratum. Thanks

I have some hc planted in some fluval stratum. Let me just start by saying it isn't easy to get it to stay. I would recommend cutting that clump of HC into like fourths you could even do more if you wanted. It is often recommended to remove as much of that yellow fiber stuff from around the roots as possible. I left some of it on mine because I found I was ripping the roots off when I pulled it off.
After you cut it up I would recommend draining the tank as low as you can get it (to make it easier to plant) if you have any tweezers or needle nose pliers those will help greatly in the planting process. Just bury as much of the roots as possible in the substrate (I always end up burring some leaves).

I don't think your filter will be a problem as long as it is not blowing directly at the substrate. But you are correct that the stratum is very light.

My HC has been planted for about 9 months and it still doesn't have a great grip to the substrate. If I use the gravel vac to clean debris out of the plant sometimes the gravel vac will lift the HC out of the substrate. But keep in mind my system isn't high tech so my HC is not the healthiest.
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Thanks for your insight Fishfanatic.. I have a pressurized co2 system so hopefully I'll have better luck with it getting rooted well in the substrate. The tank it's not filled yet with water at all. It just have some rocks, sand, and substrate. I've seen some YouTube vids of spraying the substrate with water to get it moist for planting. I'll following that plus the use of tweezers. The pot of HC is small but I was thinking if I should cut the longer stems to cover more ground when planting?
If it were me I wouldn't cut of the extra growth. I think, like you said they will be hard to plant.
The problem with HC in general is that it has very short fine roots. I had to remove it from my 220g because every time it would get going good and start spreading my yo-yo loaches would come along and dig under the edges and uproot whole sections. One thing that can help is use a couple wooden uncolored toothpicks as anchors. Just cut the toothpick off right even with the growth and eventually you won't see them. It's kind of dorky but it worked for me (well mostly except the loaches would just work around them-little buggers). And do leave alittle of the yellow fiber on there, it will also aid in keeping a better grip in the substrate.
This is also one of the reasons that dry start is so popular. Faster growth, no algae, and roots establish themselves before every being submerged.
I've read if i leave a little bit of rock wool on the roots that it can prevent the HC from getting nutrients and hinder growth?

Also, i won't have any fauna for a bit, especially ground dwellers (i.e. loaches or otherwise) that will disturb the substrate or HC.

As for DSM, i was originally thinking of doing that but the idea of leaving it in that state for months before flooding it sounds really boring. Plus i read that it will go through a melt transitioning from emersed to submerged.. There's people on both sides of this coin.. I'm just confused.. LOL

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