Need unbiased advice for filtering new 100g

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 24, 2005
I finally took the plunge and purchased a 100g tank and I plan on having a freshwater setup. I have been researching for 2 days and just can't seem to get anywhere. (I have had a 12g all in one Eclipse tank for nearly 4 years now with no trouble, so I know how to take care of fish.)

I need help picking out a filter. I am leaning towards the Fluval Fx5 or Ehien 2028 but I am open, just please tell me why. Another option would be two smaller filters. No idea what to do here.

Also taking recommendations on lighting, it is 48inches wide.

Thank you for the support.
Either are nice filters, I prefer Fluval but that's just because I used them for many years with nary an issue. Also very quiet.
I would suggest getting two filters, I run a 100 gallon FW tank as well and my filters are old but still good I run an ehiem 2217 and a magnum 350. You really want to have two if possible so that you get enough water movement as well as sufficient filltration from both ends of the tank. It also makes it a lot easier as far as maintance because you can alternate cleaning them with out having to worry about your beneficial bacteria as much.

Good luck
Lighting really only matters for you and plants. You'll need to tailor your lighting to the plants you want to keep - if you're not using them, or using fake plants, it's not an issue and just go for whatever looks nicest. I've been seeing some fantastic effects from LED strips off ebay lately. If you were in the UK I'd direct you straight to the arcadia luminaires, but bad luck for being in the wrong country. Have a goosey on ebay for any 1200mm/48" overtank lighting kit; pay attention to the lumen output, go t5 if you can afford them, t8's are fine for general viewing.
its very hard for a unbiased advice on filters. what kind of tank are you going to have? for lighting you can just got shop lights at home depot. as for the filter you could get a hob and a canister or just 2 canisters. i always try to have at least 2 filters on a tank. if anything happens to the one you didnt just kill off most of the bacteria. another idea often under rated in fw is a sump.
its very hard for a unbiased advice on filters. what kind of tank are you going to have? for lighting you can just got shop lights at home depot. as for the filter you could get a hob and a canister or just 2 canisters. i always try to have at least 2 filters on a tank. if anything happens to the one you didnt just kill off most of the bacteria. another idea often under rated in fw is a sump.

I agree about running 2 filters on a tank if possible. It's really helpful if you have something go wrong with one of them. A sump is a great idea too but involves a reef-ready tank, getting the back of the tank drilled, or using a hang on overflow.
Thank you for the advice everyone, I will now consider a two pump system. I will keep you guys posted.
Either of the filters you mentioned should be fine (alone) for that tank. If you feel it's worth the money for the extra marginal security or convenience of a second filter it never hurts, but I can't really say that it's necessary either, unless you just want a tank with a strong current. One nice thing about canisters as opposed to hang-on-backs is that you can put the suction at one end of the tank and the outflow at the other so there really isn't a low-flow area of the tank.
Ordered the Fx5

Hopefully it works well, got it from ebay. I will post some pictures soon of the setup before it gets going. Pretty excited to get a puffer.. what kind would get along with tiger oscars? Aggressive fish are just so interesting, dont want them fighting too much.
i love the fruvals.. i have a 305 on my system.. not as fansy... but ive never had an issue with it at all... also have 2 hob emperor 400 biowheels on the same tank.. never had a issue with anything in there =D
I have two Whisper 60 HOB filters on my 100g tank that is 5 feet long. I'm not a fan of canister filters at all. I had a Rena XP3 and it was rather unspectacular. Look at what kind of fish you want in the tank and that will help decide what you need for a filter. I run the two filters and change out the filter floss every other day since I have discus and I try to keep the water decent for them. This works better for me over a canister filter.
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