Neolamprologus multifasciatus

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 6, 2011
Will any other form of fish be able to live with the Neolamprologus multifasciatus
Julies are definitely neat little fish. I've always wanted some, but never had the right tank at the right time. A 40g multi tank sounds like a very cool idea. Got any pics?
I'll post some when I properly set up the tanks, I've been looking or ages but do any of you guys no where I can buy shells
eBay for shells julidochromis transcriptus gombi be your best bet with multis I have both breeding in same tank no probs they stay quite small  hope that helps
cyprichromis mpulungu or utinta be good for top half of tank here is a snap of my breeding male mpulungu 


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