Neon Tetra Mouth Growth

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 2, 2020
Good Morning,

I have a question about a growth on the bottom lip of 2 of my 3 Neon Tetra.

The growth looks like a ball, it is not fuzzy like cottonmouth. I have read that it might be a fungus but I would like to find out if there is a solution to the issue.

My Tank Parameters (tested this morning with API Freshwater Master Test Kit):
PH: 7.0-7.2
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 5 ppm - 10 ppm
Temperature: 23ºc
Size: 10 Gal
Filter: Unknown Waterfall type Brand but uses Topfin PowerFilter 10 with a mesh cloth and charcoal inner.

The tank has been stocked with fish for years. Generally the fish live a long time (years).

There are 7 fish in the tank.
1 x Green Cory Catfish (1")
1 x Albino Cory Catfish (1")
3 x Neon Tetra (1")
2 x Blackskirt (1.5")

I vacuum the gravel once a month and do a 1 gallon water change at the same time. I prepare my water the day before and use a tap water conditioner.

The fish in question were added on October 10, 2018.

The most recent addition to the tank were the two Cory Catfish on March 1st but the growth on the Neon Tetra was before that time.

I feed the fish the same brand of Freshwater Flakes, there has been no change in the food.

Thank you for any assistance you can offer.

Hi! I would recommend some medicine for your fish to treat a fungus infection. My honey Gourami had a fungal infection and i used Fritz Maracyn Oxy. Maybe you could also do a wide range antibiotic. I would also recommend vacuuming and changing the water once a week.
Good Evening Pluto,
Thanks for the advice on the medicine, I've got some on order.
As for the water changes. I haven't had the best of luck doing a lot of water at a time or many water changes in a month. I've had some fish go into distress and then die within a few days after a 25% water change so I keep it to a minimum. This has greatly increased the lifespan of my fish.

Its either me doing something wrong, or something else I can't figure out.

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