Never clearing water!!!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 13, 2014
Garner, NC
I tested the water, and all seems well. This here is a 4 month old 29 gallon tank with a bad brown algae problem. No matter how well I vacuum out the gravel and use proper treatments, the constant cloudiness will never dissipate, even after a few days. It will slightly go away, but it never returns to a good crystal clear. Any advice?Anyone???
What's in the tank and what is your filtration? Also, how long do you run your lights? Algae and bacterial blooms are generally caused by too many nutrients in the water, and too much light. Also, your filtration capacity may not be quite enough to turn over enough water per hour.
Purigen worked real well. I also but a big bag of filter floss for 7$ and just stuff clumps in my filter.
What's your filtration look like?
How much and how often are you feeding?
Lighting - wattage, type of bulbs (CFL, incandescent, led), and how many hours per day are they on?
What's the temperature of the water?
How frequently are you doing water changes?
What "treatments" are you adding to your tank?
How many and what type of fish do you have?

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