New 12L stocking

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 12, 2021

My family has just taken the plunge and purchased our first aquarium to add some fishies to our family! Very exciting! We have set up the tank for tropical fish and are cycling it now after adding the conditioner and then the bacteria liquid. Hopefully in a week we can purchase our first fish!

We are brand new to this and was hoping someone could help us understand what fish we could add as a community that will be happy and not stressed.. and how many of those fish so they aren't overcrowded! It is a 127 litre tank.

The types that we have seen and are interested in are guppies, bettas, angels, gourami, silver dollar and a few of the tetras (neon being one).

I know all of those types can't live in harmony so would appreciate some ideas!

Thanks so much everyone. Look forward to learning from you all :)
You can have a betta and guppies/tetras together. However I would only recommend a female betta. Make sure to test the temperament of the betta before fully putting it into your tank. With those three fish breeds you have a good variety that would be peaceful but lively. Make sure to only get one gender of guppies otherwise you’ll end up with fry 24/7. If you do go with the betta, tetras and guppies like I said make sure to see how the betta reacts to the other fish and only get a female. You can get a breeding net and put it in the tank. Put the betta in the net with all the other fish in the main part of the tank. If the betta continuously flares and try’s to attack the other fish return it and try again with another. You can do research to find the friendliest betta breeds and read how others have succeeded with those fish together. Make sure to put the guppies and tetras in first a few days before the betta. Always put the betta last. Don’t overstock your tank. Good luck.
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