New 26 gallon tank

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Panda corys
Neon tetras
Black neon tetras
Black skirt tetra
Albino skirt tetra
Cool tank. I REALLY love the stones you put in there, especially that really big one! Wow! My only suggestion, is to add more plants. That would really set off this tank. What kind of lighting are you using?
I have 2x20W bio lux bulbs. I have planted valesnaria in the back corner of the tank and they have made many runners so the tank will fill out quite quickly I think
Maybe if you added some java fern and moss to that DW branch... and wedged some anubias between the stones that would look better. Maybe a few crypt plants here and there? Well... either way, those are just 'suggestions,' if you're happy with the way it is, that's all that matters. I'm coming from the planted tanks section, where I normally hang out at in AA... so I'm just spoiled with seeing more plants :)
Thanks for the suggestions!! I will add more plants when I get some more money haha been wanting to get a bigger variety. Definitely will be added java ferns though
Dunno if anyone was still following but this tank has undergone a huge transformation. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1417026010.411242.jpg
Aiming towards a black water feel. Trying a few new things

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