New 30 gal issues

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 30, 2007
So I just set up my new tank. It has a Penguin 330 filter. I used a water conditioner and let the filter just run for a few days with just gravel. Next, I added some plants from a friends tank (trusted) to hopefully gain some beneficial bacteria. In following with many non-fish cycling faqs i added drops of ammonia. It has been a few hours and it seems like my water is slightly i being paranoid or did i do something wrong.
Cloudy water is probably the sign of a bacterial bloom, which should be a good sign. The cloudiness will clear as the bacteria settle onto your filter material and substrate. I'm not sure how much bacteria you would get on plants; the best is to get some filter media from an established tank, but it sounds like you got something. Do you have a test kit? Hope the cycle goes well!
thanks. the cloudiness is increasing by the hour so i hope you are right.
Bacterial blooms in new tanks are quite normal. Keep your ammonia at around 4ppm and you will keep the cycle moving along. Instead of having plants from a friends aquarium, see if you can borrow some filter media or substrate to help your cycle go faster.
because there are plants in the tank...will it be hard for me to test for nitrates, or is plant uptake pretty slow. Also, how long should I see this bloom if I continue to add ammonia.
is adding fish at the same time as driftwood a bad idea?
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