New 40g!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 31, 2014
Hey guys! Im starting on my third tank (40g) and wanting to get more interesting freshwater fish.

Currently I have:
Neon tetras
Rainbow fish
Albino Cory cat's
And a ADF

Just wanting to see what kind of fish you guys recommend.

Thanks! ☺️?
The German blue rams? I would get a mated pair. They require a mature tank. What stock list are you thinking of?
Have no clue, just want something more than tetras or things like that lol, have an empty tank just waiting to make up my mind haha
Try some of these:

Aphyosemion australe - lyretail killifish
Praecox or boesemani rainbows
Sybodontis petricola
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