New 75g setup - some compatibility questions

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 18, 2005
Boston, MA
Hey there - not new to aquariums, but new to the kind of setup I'm looking to do.

I have a 75 sitting idle right now, and my idea is to put together a very colorful tank with mostly guppies/mollies/danios/swordtails. I know these guys will all get along for the most part, but what else can I put in there with these generally peaceful fish? I'm leaning toward dwarf gouramis... but do you guys have any other suggestions?

Again, I'm looking for a very colorful tank that is filled with many small fish, that is VERY easy to manage. Not looking for the added maintenance of cichlids (either SA or African), or other fish that have special water temp/chem requirements.

Also, with guppies/mollies/danios/swords, would I be okay keeping about 30-40 (considering the old 1" adage, and smaller fish producing less waste)?

Thanks in advance for your time and help!

Oh, by the way, I'm planning on about an inch or two of dark (probably black) gravel and some simple decoration; couple of rocks and fake driftwood, maybe a bubble strip along the back wall.
Thanks for helpful links - appreciate the info!

Any thoughts on a relatively peaceful community fish that will help keep the guppy frye... umm... limited?

(Not sure if that's even an acceptable practice, but hey... like I said, I'm new to the world of guppies)

I'm looking for the colors and flashiness of fancy guppies, without the gremlin-esque multiplying that comes with, I guess. Is that possible?
I have dwarf gouramis in my tank with my platties. They should do fine.

I always had problems with Angels eating my fry in the past. Just a personal note.

I have regular Gouramis with my Platies. The Gouramis only like to chase each other around.
tjash said:
Any thoughts on a relatively peaceful community fish that will help keep the guppy frye... umm... limited

Two possibilities for population control come to mind. One would be one of the dwarf SA catfish, like Microglanis iheringi, the SA bumblebee catfish. I have not kept any (yet), but they are supposed to be largly nocturnal, good bottom cleaners and very efficient at ambushing any small fish that can fit in their mouths on their nightly prowls.

Another that I do have experience with is Aplocheilus linneatus, the golden wonder killie. They are much less shy than most killies, get to be 3 to 4 inches, and mine are very good at keeping the guppy population stable. Plus they are cute and look cool with the calm, arrogant way they just slowly cruise the tank. Reminds me of a sw barracuda or a fw northern pike.
Thanks Jeffrey - I like the look of killies and was definitely considering them for some variety. Should be plenty of room somewhere in that 75g for a few of these guys!
Can't say enough about Corys - they will add life to the bottom layer and stir it up with their quick darts to the surface , they have great personality. No peaceful community tank should be without them .
I would agree about the Cory's. Energetic bottow dwellers. Juli or Sterba Corys are very cool.

As a loach collector of sorts, I would recommend a group of 3-6 small loaches such as striatia botia. They are cute little fellows who do not get massive (no more than 3-4") like many of there cousins. They are very friendly to everything but small snails.
Danio will bite guppy's tail. My beautiful guppy died from bites of danio fry in the evening.

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