New 92 Gallon Corner All-Glass Aquarium Project

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 9, 2015
First off my name is Jordan, and I purchased a 92 gallon corner a month ago. The plan is for a planted discus tank. My tank isn't pre-drill so I will be drilling. I found one post online that said if u have the white label style of my tank it isn't tempered in bottom. I have used polarized glasses and a lcd screen on my iPad to see if it was. I think it isn't tempered on bottom but I will call tomorrow to find out for sure. Which is better using an overflow that I drill the bottom or the side? I saw the glass-holes 1500 overflow which is super nice. The tank is a corner so drilling the bottom would be best? Please weigh in!
I can't exactly weigh in but I'm near positive Candymancan (user on here) has a 92g, his is a corner discus tank that is planted. Might not hurt sending him a DM.

I talked to AGA and they said it does have a tempered bottom so I bought the glass-holes 1500 overflow today. I got a eheim 1262 on its way to me as well. I will be putting a 20 gallon long refugium underneath. I have also bought my filter sock and media bags with Rox carbon from bulkreefsupply. From Amazon I got a classic 24 aqua ultraviolet uv light filter for after my refugium for the return. Also from Amazon I got the eheim auto feeder , api freshwater master testing kit, and Api tap water conditioner. I hear that discus need no chlorine so that why I got the water conditioner. From Eco-systems I purchased miracle mud and will be using wisteria in my refugium.

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My next purchase needs to b a substrate and I have no clue on this or who is best to buy from? I want something my plants can grow in and is good for discus. Thank you for your time.

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I am also building a new stand around my 20 gallon long sump which should be a fun project this weekend. I have to make it look good since my aquarium will b off the wall a little for plumbing and I need the stand to have a nice tight fit against the wall. Any advice would be helpful.

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All fish tanks that are like 5g or more are tempered glass on the bottom, if they werent they would collapse from the weight of the substrate and water and everything else you put in them. I will garuntee you that your 92g is tempered.

Pre-drilled tanks are tanks that are drilled before they are tempered.. Then they temper the glass. Honestly considering how rare and expensive 92g tanks are.. I wouldnt drill into it.. I just wouldnt want to risk cracking the glass or having it shatter on me. Get yourself a good canister filter or two, and a protein skimmer..

I also recomend two heaters, My tank has a 300w and a 250w heater on each corner, to keep the temps in the tank even.

Also water flow in corner tanks is kinda hard to get working properly.. What I do is i put the spray bar on my 2217 eheim canister filter horizontal, meaning up and down, and i put it on the front corner of the tank, this way is pushes water along the front BOW of the tank and creates a whirlpool motion of water flow in my tank.. Then i have a Internal filter on the oposite side where the intake of the canister is at, and i have its spray bar pointed up for surface agitation and its pointed towards the back of the glass at an angle.. This creates more water flow and circular motion in the fish tank...

Lighting it kinda hard for these tanks, I have Power compact over my tank, and i made a custom top for mine since it didnt come with a top when i got it on craigslist.. I put the 65w power compacts on each side, left and right and have them facing front to back.. This way the sides middle and front of the tank are perfectly lit.. The only problem is the back corner of the tank is dark and so what i do is i have a smaller like 18 inch T8 light back there to light the back up.

Here isa video of my tank, the first one is when i first set up the tank, the 2nd is just one i made talking about how to care for discus and my disagreements with some people's opinions on them, but you can see the progression of the plant growth. Im trying to carpet the bottom with S. repens


Omg when I got the idea for the tank I went to YouTube and your video inspired me to do a planted discus tank. Very nice to meet you.

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Oh so you saw my video first then haha ? Well im glad you like my tank, it looks better in person pictures dont show it very well, because of the shape of the tank, I love the shape and size of this tank, how deep it is from front to back and its 4 feet long like a 55-90g and very tall... So much better then those long 6 foot only 12-18 inch deep 120g tanks.. I personally think fish have more room to swim in a girthy tank like this then one that is so narrow. Because you have 360 degree's to swim in vs just left and right.

Just whatever you do please dont drill and destroy your 92g tank
Man I wish I could tell you I'm not but its so tempting. I really don't have time with work n kids to be doing a lot of maintenance. Having a refugium will cut down on maintenance a lot. Why do you think it was destroy it? I've watched a lot of videos and may even have someone do it for me.
You could do a HOB overflow box.

They come in different GPH ratings and could still do a sump.

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Just as example of doing a sump on a non drilled tank. Since 1 much smaller and 2 this is saltwater. 3 I don't have any fish in the tank when I took lol.

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Man I wish I could tell you I'm not but its so tempting. I really don't have time with work n kids to be doing a lot of maintenance. Having a refugium will cut down on maintenance a lot. Why do you think it was destroy it? I've watched a lot of videos and may even have someone do it for me.

Because if you drill into tempered glass you risk the glass just going POP and shattering into a million peices... I've seen pro glass cutters cut into fish tanks before and the glass shattered into millions of peices.. If it doesnt shatter, you lose the integrity of the glass anyway, the whole point of it being tempered is to support massive amounts of weight. Thats why pre-drilled tanks are drilled BEFORE its tempered.. then they temper the glass after... You should be able to drill into the side panels as they arent tempered i dont believe... but the bottom... nooo way

My tank doesnt have much maintenance.. Your always going to have to do water changes regardless... Unless you have some reaaally good refugium to keep nitrates below 20. I change 80% of my water every 4 days or so.. Nothing special.. toss 3 capfulls of prime, change 80% directly from the faucet and havent had any issues.
I'm not drilling the tempered bottom and going to do the back check out their system seems really good.
I talked to AGA and they said it does have a tempered bottom so I bought the glass-holes 1500 overflow today. I got a eheim 1262 on its way to me as well. I will be putting a 20 gallon long refugium underneath. I have also bought my filter sock and media bags with Rox carbon from bulkreefsupply. From Amazon I got a classic 24 aqua ultraviolet uv light filter for after my refugium for the return. Also from Amazon I got the eheim auto feeder , api freshwater master testing kit, and Api tap water conditioner. I hear that discus need no chlorine so that why I got the water conditioner. From Eco-systems I purchased miracle mud and will be using wisteria in my refugium.

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Honestly, if its not too late i would suggest skipping the sump on a freshwater tank. They dont really offer much benefit over using standard filters. I wouldnt even consider trying to use a hang on back overflow. But if youre still insistent on the sump, pay someone to drill the side. They temper the bottom, but not the walls.

Also, skip the miracle mud. Its junk.

How much experience do you have with fish tanks?
I ran a 55 gallon reef tank for about 10 months before aiptasia took over everywhere and I broke it down. The reason I did my last one was for my baby girl to sit in front of it and watch. Now 3 years laster and I'm doing this one for the little boy. And the wife finally gave the ok to do it on my birthday. Drove over 6 hours after work on my bday to get this thing for a heck of a deal. The 92 gallon corner is a tank I've wanted for a long time. My wife said I couldn't do salt water this time. I've watched many videos and the tank I'm trying to crate will have little maintenance. The guy that has the same set up as mine says he's only done a few water changes in many years. It doesn't matter if it's true I will do them weekly but what I'm getting at is if I forget for a week everything won't die.

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If heavily planted, keep on a fertilizer. schedule, use CO2 and don't overfeed you can get away with not doing a water change every week even with an HOB filter as long as stay on top of water testing and topping off when needed.

In marine aquariums since they eat the algae that takes nitrate out of the water why a refugium is more useful.

Suppose this would use could also be used in certain larger cichlid tanks since they uproot everything but discus use plants for cover so not as much an issue.

On my 55 gallon.
Daily: feed, add excel, test PH and nitrate, check filter flow and do a head count.

Weekly: clean at least one of the 3 filters(fill sink with water treated with prime and rinse), top off with 3 gallons of ro water mixed with 1/4 teaspoon of acid buffer. Add flourish

Bi weekly 20 -25% WC with gravel siphoning, this is about when my nitrate reaches 15-20 ppm. Clean LED lights, tank glass, and add flourish iron.

Monthly pluck my plants for weaker leaves or leaves that grew where I don't want them.

3 months replaces root tabs and fine filter(earlier if becoming tattered).

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I ran a 55 gallon reef tank for about 10 months before aiptasia took over everywhere and I broke it down. The reason I did my last one was for my baby girl to sit in front of it and watch. Now 3 years laster and I'm doing this one for the little boy. And the wife finally gave the ok to do it on my birthday. Drove over 6 hours after work on my bday to get this thing for a heck of a deal. The 92 gallon corner is a tank I've wanted for a long time. My wife said I couldn't do salt water this time. I've watched many videos and the tank I'm trying to crate will have little maintenance. The guy that has the same set up as mine says he's only done a few water changes in many years. It doesn't matter if it's true I will do them weekly but what I'm getting at is if I forget for a week everything won't die.

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that guy neglects that it may be planted and have 0 nitrates but TDS is still constantly rising. With you wanting discus, weekly (if not x2 weekly) water changes will be essential.

If this was anything but discus you could probably get by skipping a week as most fish are more resilient.

Discus release hormones that affect other discus. Without any water changes you can stunt the discus unless you have already fully grown ones.. Thats another reason for the water changes. And fish also need trace minerals to stay healthy and grow as well which water changes bring back.. Or you could dose using Seachem Discus trace if you really never do water changes.

I've seen that video before of their refugium and it looks really impressive but i dunno that would be kinda hard to setup i think.

You dont need CO2 for plants in a discus tank and i honestly advise against that anyway, higher O2 levels for the fish are better and pumping CO2 in the water just lowers O2, and CO2 is honestly really only for harder plants to grow and to get plants to turn red and so forth. There are plenty of red plants that dont need CO2 and plenty of nice green plants that dont require CO2.. Also discus dont really like ferts, from what i have read and even my observations they tend to really react negativly when dosing normal quanitites of ferts.. Mine freak out if i do a full dose and even half dose they breathe harder.. Thats why i only dose like 1/4 of the amount required for the size tank i have.

I also never do gravel vacuums because all the food and fish waste eventually turns the substrate into a nutrient rich matter for plants with roots to use. And there was one time i did vacuum my 55g tank and it just totally destroyed my amazon swords.

Also that refugium all it is, is a filter that has the light on 24/7. If you notice the plants they use are water sprite, which are the same mass of plants i have in my 92g in the picture you see that mass of plant on my driftwood stump ?.. And the miracal mud is most likely just dirt..

As for a dechlorinator PRIME is the best youll ever buy,
+1 to no CO2

I removed my co2 system so I would have a higher oxygenation level and no pH swing from it.

I've also been playing with fertilizers as well, I'm doing half of a normal dosing to see how they react to it.

Have you seen any side effects to fertilizers Candyman?

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