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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 2, 2011
Hi all,
I'm new to the site and kinda new to the hobby. I have started a 15 gallon aquarium and it's been running for a month now. I do have quite a plant collection already and it's come to my attention that I will need fluorescent lighting in order for my plants to flourish (as oppose to the two 15 watt incandescent bulbs I am using now). Now I really do not want to get into CO2 infusions, so I am wondering what wattage I need for CFL bulbs in order to maintain my plants? Is a 1 watt to 1 gallon ratio good enough to sustain my plants? Can I get away with say two 13 watt CFLs and not have to use CO2? I do use liquid plant fertilizer once a week to supplement them.

Any information you can give me will be of great benefit. I look forward to your replies. Thanks!
Hi all,
I'm new to the site and kinda new to the hobby. I have started a 15 gallon aquarium and it's been running for a month now. I do have quite a plant collection already and it's come to my attention that I will need fluorescent lighting in order for my plants to flourish (as oppose to the two 15 watt incandescent bulbs I am using now). Now I really do not want to get into CO2 infusions, so I am wondering what wattage I need for CFL bulbs in order to maintain my plants? Is a 1 watt to 1 gallon ratio good enough to sustain my plants? Can I get away with say two 13 watt CFLs and not have to use CO2? I do use liquid plant fertilizer once a week to supplement them.

Any information you can give me will be of great benefit. I look forward to your replies. Thanks!

What kind of plants do you have? That will determine what kind of lighting you will need. If you have low light plants, you don't really have to dose CO2. One thing for sure though, you need to get the "Daylight" CFL bulb that has at least 6500-10000K as color temperature. Plants will greatly benefit from it. Plant fertilizer is good. I know there is a rule "Wattage per gallon". But I don't know if your tank will be consider smaller and the wattage per gallon will not apply. There are 5 categories of plants: the "low light plants", "low-medium light plants", "medium light plants", "medium-high light plants", "high light plants". Dosing CO2 will be needed for the 2 last categories of plants.
Thank you for your informative reply. My plants are: one moneywort, one planted moneywort, one red ludwigia, one melon sword, one planted crypt parva and one wisteria. I have currently installed two 15 watt CFLs - 6500K aka: "Daylight". I've been informed that my moneyworts and red ludwigia need the most light so I will be moving them directly under the lights for best exposure.
Yes, your light is appropriate for your plants. If it is based on the rule, you have at least 2 watts per gallon. So you have most of the low light plants and some low-medium light plants. You don't have to dose CO2 on them since they are low lights but you can add fertilizer for them to thrive and flourish. Seachem Flourish is highly recommended or the Seachem Flourish Comprehensive (it contains traces that will benefit plants even better).

Have fun...planted tanks are very addictive, especially when you started seeing new shoots and are pearling. :)
And oh, since you have a melon sword (swords are heavy rooted plants), you can put root tabs at least 2-3" away from it once a month so the roots can get enough nutrients. Much more needed if you have the regular gravel and not the flourite or eco-complete (which already have nutrients ready for plants) coz gravel normally don't have the same nutrients those subtrates carry.
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