NEW apple snail

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 26, 2012
I had a very very minor case of algae on my tanks glass. The algae was like little green specs on the glass and you could only see it if you were up against the glass. i have always liked these guys but i never got one and i decided it was a good time with an established tank and food for it to eat. i dont know much about them other then they are not asexual and are male or female. if anyone knows a good article about them that would be great. i dont have plants so thats not a problem.
my pearl gourami gets a little curious and pecks at it then leaves it alone. i cant believe how "fast" these guys are. i have has ramshorns, pond snails, mts, and nerites but these guys are the fastest. i want to get more now to have them breed. i will get a picture up probably tomorrow. he or she is the size of a golf ball.
anyone think that the babys could be fed to a figure eight puffer or do you think that the shells would be too hard?
Size would not matter too much unless you need to grind down their teeth. If its too big and hard, then F8 will go straight for the meat.
Well i know mts are too hard for puffers. I dont know how hard these babys are.
MTS can be fed to large puffers, such as adult GSP or ceylons. Non-MTS are good for the smaller species.
For info on sexing and breeding check out

thank you. this was a great website. since i have no idea what i looking for to sex them i will just buy 2-3 more to make sure i have 1 of each sex.
I can't stand sexing them. You have to actually look inside their shells. The males have a penis on the opposite side of their snorkel. Pretty gross. I've always just bought a group! ;)
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