New "baby" betta!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 13, 2010
Atlanta, Georgia
Petco had a sale on their baby bettas. So, I fell in love and bought one. Also, they had their betta condos on clearance and had to grab one of those too. It's not a permanent home for this little guy, but until he grows up a little more, this will be home.


I went back to my love of ugly and sick bettas. He was laying on his side and pretty colored down. He has already perked up and gotten a little more red. Pretty excited to see what he grows into.

I'm not sure on what type yet or even what sex. I automatically call everything a boy until I see it's a girl. He is so tiny, that I don't know yet.

I think all he needed was some more swim room, fresh water, and a little attention. He has made a 180 already. I'm pretty experienced at "rescuing" bettas, so he's in good hands.

Haven't decided on a name yet...
OK. Honestly, my first thought was "female" because ofthe short pectoral fins. But, I am not a betta expert and I have only ever owned 1 female, so I don't really know. Just my thoughts. :) Pretty though!
I think he might be a female. He acts very female, if that makes any sense and so far has the shape of one. But, you never know. I had a sunshine veil-tail that seemed so much a female until he started growing up. So, for now, he's a boy. haha
When I walked by and saw the displays of them at my local store I cried. I felt so bad for those little guys knowing they have even less of a chance than the adults.

Good luck with him/her.
That's how I felt. Everyone of the six or so of them where starved and half dead looking. I wish I could have bought all of them. I went on a betta shopping spree earlier this year and ended up with thirteen bettas. It was beyond what I could deal with. I found great homes for a few of them with my friends who wanted fish.

Anyway, she is doing great! She ate like a grubby little monster this morning and did a little betta dance. She has much more red to her now. I'm so proud <3

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