New baby Cichlid

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 23, 2012
Two quick questions for anyone who can help me, what is a good food to feed two new baby Cichlid? How can I tell the diffrence in their sex?

Thank You
I also appreciate any other advice that you can provide for me.

It is smaller then a half of an inch, about a quarter of an inch.
Fry! Hard boil an egg and take half a pea sized amount of the YOLK (Yellow center) and put it in a cup with some tank water, stir it with a spoon until it dissolves a bit then inject the contents into the tank with a turkey baster or just pour the contents in and let them float to the bottom towards the fry. You can also hatch and feed them baby brine shrimp. I did that for a couple of days until they could be weened off live food. After a week I added more to their diet like crushed flakes, crushed baby gammarus (shrimp) and once mixed fragments of bloodworms with all that stuff. They love feeding time!
You will not be able to determine sex until they are showing the male and female colorations (around sexual maturity) or when they are large enough to vent. It's near impossible to vent a 1/2" fish.
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