New Betta tank

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Oct 21, 2004
OK Im pretty good with a SW tank but don't know much about FW. I`m starting a new betta tank and wonder if there is any thing I need to know. It will only have one in it and will be a three gallon tank. Is it just like SW where I feed my fish every other day or do I need to feed more or less? I do have a small filter for it. I just feel so bad for those fish in a small glass and can at least liberate one of them. Looking for some responses to help me out.
It should do good in tht tan I have a Betta in 2.5 with built I filter with a snail I feed mine once a day or every other day but mine are about 1-3 years old and most mine are in one gal bowl . I use Betta pellets and bloodworms
I bought some betta pellets already. I`ll have to check out a few snails.
bettas are very easy to care for and will live 5+ years if properly cared for. do you have a small heater for this tank? i feed my bettas once a day, except for sundays to clear out their digestive track to prevent swim bladder. i feed pellets 4 days a week, bloodworms one day and frozen brine shrimp one day. i do 50% weekly water changes in all of my freshwater tanks, i would suggest changing at least 1-1.5 gallons a week to keep nitrates at a safe level. bettas love attention and prefer lots of plants/decorations to keep them from being bored and lazy. just make sure whatever plants/decorations you get, aren't too sharp or they will tear the bettas fins.
I have no heater for my Bettas in 1 gal bowls I want to get some moss for them my oldest I think is 3 years old
on average in the home aquarium, they live 3-5 years but can live longer. there are documented cases of bettas living 9-10 years
I have a soft rubbery fake coral in there. Do they need plants or anything like that? Also the LFS said feed every Mon, Wens and Fri. and dont feed on the weekend. Does this sound right?
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I have a soft rubbery fake coral in there. Do they need plants or anything like that? Also the LFS said feed every Mon, Wens and Fri. and dont feed on the weekend. Does this sound right?

They don't need plants, but they certainly enjoy resting on a nice java moss or Anubia leaf. I would suggest putting at least one or two silk plants in there if you don't want to worry about keeping a plant alive. Just to give them another hiding place and to keep them entertained. I have one tank with just silk plants and one tank with live and silk mix. It's just a personal preference really.

That feeding schedule seems a bit inconsistent to me (you have to think like a fish, they don't have the concept of days of the week. They just notice that haven't been fed for three days!!!) they can survive a pretty long period of time without eating, but that doesn't mean they'll be happy about it. I feed my betta 3-4 pellets everyday except for Saturdays. It's good to skip a day about every week to allow your fish's system to be cleansed. Bettas are prone to bloating and constipation if they are fed too much in one feeding and aren't allowed a body cleanse day. I would never skip feedings every other day like your LFS suggested though.
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