New Canister Filter to Solve Micro Bubbles?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 4, 2004
I have a Emperor 400 Bio-Wheel that has been spitting micro Bubbles and I have tried everything to get it to stop, The lfs I bought it from said they do that some times on a sw setup. I plan to return the Emperor and get a RENA FILSTAR XP3 CANISTER FILTER.
I plan to leave the Emperor on the tank for a week to run with the canister to exchange bacteria.
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
SG: 1.020
PH: 8.0
ALK: 180

My question is this I have 2 Damsels and one Clown will this change of filters produce any kind of ammonia, Nitrite, or Nitrate Spike? Will this mess up my levels? The tank just finished cycling this past Friday.

Also I accidentally let my temp. get way high (80 degrees for 2 days and left the tank lights on too much) and got a Brown Algae growth any suggestions? I have no cleanup crews as of yet

55gal FOWLR Bak-Pak w/built in Skimmer, RENA FILSTAR XP3 CANISTER FILTER Coralife 2X65 Coralife Aqualight (130 Watt) 1X15 Coralife Bluelight 30 LBS of LR
As far as the canister filter goes, I am no expert however I will say two things about it. 1.) sometimes it takes a couple weeks for things to slime over and stop producing bubbles. About your bacteria, take as much off the current setup as possible and transplant into the new filter media. That should keep you in good terms with you cycle process.

Also I accidentally let my temp. get way high (80 degrees for 2 days and left the tank lights on too much) and got a Brown Algae growth any suggestions? I have no cleanup crews as of yet

I maintain my water temp at 79.8 - 80.5 (full 24 hour fluxuation) Some will say that a temp closer to natural temps such as 80+ degrees will promote an algae bloom, however I have had no such problems. A large brown algae bloom is to be expected with a freshly cycled system. Do your 10 - 20% water change twice a month and you will see that it will balance out in the next few weeks.
I would keep my eye on this since you already have fish in the tank and not let it get any higher. The limits for FOWLR is higher than a reef, but I still wouldn't let it go any higher.
SG: 1.020
Bring this up to 1.023 - 1.025 over the next couple weeks, IMO its too low. Your only .050 away from brackish.

If you want that algae to go away immediately get yourself 1 snail per 4 gallons as a start and add more up to 1 snail per gallon as needed. Good luck and best wishes!
Clear that Brisco's all over this one. Just wanted to concur and add a comment or two about the filstar. I have one of these on one of my FW tanks - really good unit and I wouldn't hesitate using them on a SW - bit of an endorsement, imo It's a big leap from the emperor.

Anyway - one suggestion in addition to all the excellent advice above, I'd let the two filters run together for a week or two (as you mentioned) then start leaving the emperor off for an hour or two a day a few times a day for a few days then remove it. This will allow the bio filter to build in the XP3 and slowly cease in the emperor. Also consider this additive to the xp3: Seachem Matrix as a bio media - this stuff has a huge surface area. Ehiem makes a good one as well called Ehfisubstrat.

Just some thoughts.


Thanks to the advise

In your opinion is it safe to start adding the Clean-up crew now since I am having that Brown Algae problem, if so how many and what do you recommend for b/a?

is it safe to start adding the Clean-up crew now

I added my cleanup crew one week after my tank cycled, so I think you should be fine. I would however get that SG up and stable before adding any inverts.

For a 55 gallon starter cleanup crew I would go with:
2 turbo snails (Turbo fluctuosa)
6 Astraea (Astraea tecta)
5 Cerith (Cerithium sp.)
5 Nassarius (Nassarius vibex)
1 or 2 queen conchs
if you want go ahead and stick about 5 - 10 micro sized blue leg hermits also, if you want hermits in your tank.
I wouldn't add anymore than the list above for about a week, if they aren't catching up to it by then add the same quantity listed above again and you should be fine.
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