New fish acting odd

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 2, 2013
Brought this new one home. And this is all it has done since. I have a 55 gal with about 15 Africans. Just did a 5 gal water change and checked nitrates, nitrites and ammonia levels and all is fine. He appears like he's playing dead. I brought a yellow lab too and it's doing just fine. They both had the initial "hazing" period of being chased around by the others. Ideas? Did I buy a lemon?


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Also if anyone could identify it, my LFS was unsure
Should he come around soon? Never bad this issue with a new fish before
That's a daffodil bachadri. I wouldn't worry about him. Make sure he is eating and also he isn't getting picked on. I have one of these guys and they usually hold their own.
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