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special lighting

Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 25, 2008
Los Angeles California
Just picked this guy up from my lfs for 40$ is that a good price? Also anything i should know about this flame angel? Thank you :)


  • ForumRunner_20120926_163111.jpg
    41.1 KB · Views: 114
Beautiful flame angel! Wish I could have one, but I don't want to risk my corals being nibbled on :eek:. Yeah it's an average price, pretty good for a lfs...usual price is about $40-45 (y) They can be semi-aggressive and do NOT put two dwarf angels together! They are sensitive to copper levels and should give them a variety of dried seaweed, frozen shrimp or mysis, and other meaty foods.
obscurereef said:
Beautiful flame angel! Wish I could have one, but I don't want to risk my corals being nibbled on :eek:. Yeah it's an average price, pretty good for a lfs...usual price is about $40-45 (y) They can be semi-aggressive and do NOT put two dwarf angels together! They are sensitive to copper levels and should give them a variety of dried seaweed, frozen shrimp or mysis, and other meaty foods.

Yea its nice! :) i just have moshrooms and he hasn't done anything lol. Very helpful review, it didnt eat the pellets so ima feed it some bloodworms later on :)
I think it's a good price... I see them for that but have herd as high as $60
special lighting said:
Yea wow thats a high price, im having trouble getting him to eat though. what kind of clown fish do you have on your display photo?

True percula (idk how it's spelled) I bought them as a pair on a mis marked price $40
Very pretty flame angel. I've always wanted one. But was told if I want to do a reef tank (Which I do) that it isn't good for them. Granted I do have a coral beauty now. And especially not to put another angel in with it. Our LFS here usually charge 70 for them. So yeah I definetly say good purchase!
Meagan said:
Very pretty flame angel. I've always wanted one. But was told if I want to do a reef tank (Which I do) that it isn't good for them. Granted I do have a coral beauty now. And especially not to put another angel in with it. Our LFS here usually charge 70 for them. So yeah I definetly say good purchase!

Actually angels do better and live longer in a reef setting so you are in luck! $40 is a good price!
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